
Scenery in West Virginia

West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium
15th International Mine Water Association Congress

Meet your mine water col­leagues at this WVTF and IMWA joint con­fer­ence from April 21–26, 2024 at the Mor­gan­town Event Cen­ter, West Vir­gin­ia, USA.

Final Programm released!

WVTF | IMWA 2024 Proceedings finalized!

Hot topics to be discussed during the Conference

Fresh Water

Mine Drainage Control

Imple­ment­ing effect­ive mine drain­age con­trol is essen­tial to pre­vent envir­on­ment­al harm and ensure sus­tain­able min­ing prac­tices.

Water Treatment Pond

Passive Treatment Innovations

Pass­ive treat­ment innov­a­tions use nature for effect­ive and sus­tain­able pol­lu­tion con­trol and envir­on­ment­al res­tor­a­tion.

Tailings dam

Tailings and Tailings Ponds

Tail­ings are often tox­ic min­ing byproducts, stored in ponds and need thor­ough man­age­ment and mon­it­or­ing.

Mine water treatment

Conference Topics

Six­teen Top­ics cov­er­ing all aspects of min­ing influ­enced water will be avail­able dur­ing the WVFT & IMWA Con­fer­ence in Mor­gan­town.


High-cal­ibre mine water experts will present their exper­i­ence and teach innov­at­ive tech­niques.

People in a meeting
Artesian Borehole

Mid and Post Congress Field Trips

Dur­ing 5 half-day and one full-day mid-con­fer­ence field trips and one post-con­fer­ence field trip, del­eg­ates will be intro­duced to emer­ging solu­tions tried in West Vir­gin­ia.

Impressions from past WVTF and IMWA Conferences

Jeff Skousen

“I am look­ing for­ward to this con­fer­ence where we can show the world our achieve­ments in terms of min­ing-impacted water.”

Jeff Skousen
Con­fer­ence Chair

Bob Kleinmann

“As Edit­or-in-Chief of Mine Water and the Envir­on­ment, I hope to receive a large num­ber of excel­lent papers for this Con­gress.”

Bob Klein­mann
Con­fer­ence Co-Chair

Christian Wolkersdorfer

“I am pleased that the West Vir­gin­ia Mine Drain­age Task Force and the Inter­na­tion­al Mine Water Asso­ci­ation are co-spon­sor­ing this con­gress.”

Chris­ti­an Wolk­ersdor­fer
IMWA Pres­id­ent

Let’s work together on solving our common mine water challenges!

Share your know­ledge and gain some mean­ing­ful insights on a wide range of mine water tech­no­lo­gic­al and eco­lo­gic­al chal­lenges and per­spect­ives in Mor­gan­town, USA.