
Com­pan­ies and organ­iz­a­tions are wel­come to sup­port the IMWA 2025 Con­fer­ence and show lead­er­ship in mine water man­age­ment and cir­cu­lar eco­nomy. Our spon­sor­ship options are as fol­lows. Oppor­tun­it­ies are also avail­able to sup­port social events. Please ask the Con­fer­ence organ­izers for more inform­a­tion.

square_gray Plat­in­umsquare_gold Goldsquare_silver Sil­versquare_bronze Bronze
Fee (Euro, exclud­ing 23% VAT)20,00010,0005,0002,500
Con­fer­ence Regis­tra­tions
Com­pany fly­ers in the Con­fer­ence bags
Advert­ise­ment Page Pro­gramme BookFull PageHalf PageLogoLogo
Com­pany High­light in Pro­gramme Book
Logo Online and in the Pro­ceed­ings
Exib­it Space 24 m² 18 m² 12 m² 6 m²