How to get to Braga/Portugal or Oviedo/Spain

How to get to Braga

Get­ting to Braga and the Uni­ver­sity of Minho from either Porto Air­port or Lis­bon Air­port is straight­for­ward, and vari­ous trans­port­a­tion options are avail­able.

From Porto Airport

The most con­veni­ent option is to take a dir­ect train from Porto Air­port to Braga. Trains depart reg­u­larly, and the jour­ney takes approx­im­ately one hour. Once you arrive in Braga, you can take a taxi/uber or a loc­al bus to reach the Uni­ver­sity of Minho cam­pus.

Sev­er­al bus com­pan­ies offer dir­ect ser­vices from Porto Air­port to Braga. The jour­ney typ­ic­ally takes around one hour and 15 minutes. Upon arrival in Braga, you can take a taxi/uber or a loc­al bus to reach the Uni­ver­sity of Minho.

Rent­ing a car at Porto Air­port allows you to explore the region at your own pace. The drive to Braga takes approx­im­ately 45 minutes, depend­ing on traffic.

From Lisbon Airport

Although there is no dir­ect train from Lis­bon Air­port to Braga, you can take a metro or taxi to Lis­bon’s main train sta­tion, Gare do Ori­ente, and catch a train to Braga from there. The jour­ney takes around three hours. Upon arrival in Braga, you can take a taxi/uber or a loc­al bus to reach the Uni­ver­sity of Minho.

Sev­er­al bus com­pan­ies oper­ate ser­vices from Lis­bon Air­port to Braga. The jour­ney typ­ic­ally takes around four hours. Once you arrive in Braga, you can take a taxi/Uber or a loc­al bus to reach the Uni­ver­sity of Minho.

Rent­ing a car at Lis­bon Air­port allows you to enjoy a scen­ic four-hour drive to Braga.

Regard­less of which air­port you arrive at, mul­tiple trans­port­a­tion options are avail­able to reach Braga and the Uni­ver­sity of Minho, ensur­ing a smooth and con­veni­ent jour­ney to your des­tin­a­tion.

How to get to Oviedo/Uviéu

Oviedo/Uviéu is the cap­it­al city of Asturi­as (NW Spain). There is only one air­port in Asturi­as, loc­ated on the west coast, about 50 km from Oviedo/Uviéu. Oviedo/Uviéuis a medi­um-sized city (250,000 inhab­it­ants) that is easy to walk around on foot.

Asturi­as Air­port has dir­ect inter­na­tion­al flight con­nec­tions with Brus­sels, Frank­furt, Munich, Lis­bon, Lon­don, Par­is, Rome, and Venice, although with low fre­quen­cies (twice a week).

For all flights, there is a bus ser­vice from the air­port to Oviedo/Uviéu (30–40 minutes, depend­ing on the traffic situ­ation).

There is also a cab ser­vice (approx­im­ately 70 €, 76 $US) and the pos­sib­il­ity of rent­ing a car at the air­port.

If you take a flight to Mad­rid Air­port, you can travel from Mad­rid to Oviedo/Uviéu by bus (5 hours) or train (4 hours). Oth­er air­ports of interest with inter­na­tion­al con­nec­tions are those of Sant­and­er (2 hours by bus from Oviedo/Uviéu), Bil­bao (3 hours), and La Cor­uña (3 hours). There is a bus ser­vice to Oviedo/Uviéu from all these cit­ies.