Abstract Submission

Call for Abstracts

The Loc­al Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee and the Inter­na­tion­al Mine Water Asso­ci­ation encour­age all Mine Water Pro­fes­sion­als to sub­mit abstracts for the IMWA 2025 Con­fer­ence at Braga Uni­ver­sity in Por­tugal from 6 – 11 July 2025.

Writing your abstract

Please upload your abstract (400 word max­im­um) to the Con­fer­ence Sec­ret­ari­at elec­tron­ic­ally via our Con­fer­ence man­age­ment soft­ware “Conf­Tool”. Register online to sub­mit your abstract and indic­ate clearly which Con­fer­ence top­ic the abstract addresses.

We recom­mend to struc­ture your 400 words abstract as fol­lows:

Para­graph 1: Why is this abstract import­ant?
Para­graph 2: What is nov­el in your approach; what was done?
Para­graph 3: What are your main find­ings?
Para­graph 4: What are the main applic­a­tions and implic­a­tions of your work?

Please ensure, that your abstract is not short­er than 300 words, as this will res­ult in low scores. You should also make sure that someone with very good Eng­lish reviews your abstract before you sub­mit it to us. Short abstracts, bad Eng­lish and not fol­low­ing the above struc­ture usu­ally res­ults in low scores by the review­ers. Remove your title, author names and affil­i­ation from the abstract when copy­ing it into the provided field in Conf­Tool. Do not list fund­ing inform­a­tion or add acknow­ledg­ments to your abstract. Avoid bul­let lists, just use the above struc­ture for para­graphs. Do not use head­ings.

For Elec­tron­ic Sub­mis­sion and Regis­tra­tion vis­it “Conf­Tool“. Click Login Hints if you have prob­lems to log into your IMWA 2025 account with Conf­Tool.

Like all IMWA pub­lic­a­tions, abstracts will under­go a peer review pro­cess. Keep in mind that IMWA has a zero-tol­er­ance for pla­gi­ar­ism policy.


Dead­line for Sub­mis­sion of AbstractsClosed
Noti­fic­a­tion of Abstract Accept­ancedone 2 Decem­ber 2024
Dead­line for Sub­mis­sion of Full Papers4 Feb­ru­ary 2025

Please note: IMWA Con­fer­ences are tech­nic­al Con­fer­ences, and “com­mer­cial” present­a­tions will usu­ally be scored low by the review­ers. If you want to present a product, you should become a spon­sor for IMWA 2025.