You can submit your 400-word abstract via our online conference tool, ConfTool, by clicking here.
For explanations of the topics, please visit the link.or click the topic title.
- Acid Mine Drainage – Prevention, Monitoring and Control
- Emerging Technologies – Sensors, UAV, Machine Learning and the like
- Ecology and Microbiology of Mining-influenced Water
- Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Mine Geochemistry
- Mine water and water resources management
- Mine Drainage of Abandoned Mines
- Mine Closure and Associated Legacy Issues
- Mine Water and Climate Dynamcis
- Active Mine Water Treatment
- Passive Mine Water Treatment – Nature based solutions
- Tailings and Tailings Ponds
- Organic pollutants in Mine Water
- Process Water from raw material beneficiation
- Water-Energy Nexus in Mining Operations
- Beneficial Uses of Mining-influenced Water
- Geothermal Energy and Mine Water
- Circular Economy and Resilience in Mining-influenced Water
- Mine Heritage and historical water Issues
- Communication about Mining and Mine Water – Stakeholders and Public
- Policy Frameworks and Regulatory Approaches
- Case Studies
- Lessons learned – What went wrong?