Login Hints

Helpful Hints for User Registration and Log-In

If you can­not log in to your Conf­Tool account or have prob­lems cre­at­ing a new user account, please con­sider the fol­low­ing hints.

Please also note that you always find the con­tact e‑mail address of the respons­ible Con­fer­ence organ­izer in the lower left corner of every Conf­Tool screen (see image 1).

Guide on How to Solve Log-In Problems with ConfTool

Firstly, please note that the user name and the pass­word are both case sens­it­ive, i.e. “peter” and “Peter” are two dif­fer­ent user names and/or pass­words. Fur­ther­more con­sider that some let­ters and num­bers look quite sim­il­ar, e.g. the cap­it­al let­ter “O” and the num­ber zero “0” look alike but are dif­fer­ent sym­bols.

If you are unsure about your user name, please try to regain it by using the link “For­got­ten your user name?” on the login page. You will have to enter the e‑mail address that has been used for your account. If the sys­tem responds that “no user with your e‑mail address is registered with Conf­Tool”, one of the fol­low­ing reas­ons prob­ably applies:

  • You have used anoth­er e‑mail address dur­ing the regis­tra­tion pro­cess. Please also try your oth­er addresses.
  • You do not hold an account with this Conf­Tool instance. Usu­ally, each Con­fer­ence has its own user data­base, so if you registered for one Con­fer­ence, you will have to cre­ate a new account for oth­er Con­fer­ences.
  • There was a typo in your e‑mail address when your account was estab­lished. Please con­tact the Con­fer­ence organ­izers, they will be able to update your account data.
  • You hold two user accounts (usu­ally with two dif­fer­ent e‑mail addresses).

If the above-men­tioned hints do not solve your prob­lem, please con­tact the Con­fer­ence organ­izers. They can eas­ily check:

  1. if you hold a user account,
  2. veri­fy (and update) your e‑mail address,
  3. send you your cur­rent user name and/or
  4. merge duplic­ated accounts (if required).

They (usu­ally) can­not send you your pass­word, as it is encryp­ted. So if you know your user name, but your pass­word does not work, please use the “For­got­ten your pass­word?” link. You will get an e‑mail to reset your pass­word.

If you are really stuck, the Con­fer­ence organ­izers can also set a new user name and/or pass­word for you and send it to you.

Hints on How to Establish a New ConfTool Account

To cre­ate a new Conf­Tool account, please type in your e‑mail address and click on “Register now” on the login page. Please fill in all fields marked with an aster­isk “*” before the label of the input field.

If you already hold a Conf­Tool account for this Con­fer­ence, do not cre­ate a second account for the same event in Conf­Tool. For example: If you have already sub­mit­ted a paper, please use the same account to register for Con­fer­ence par­ti­cip­a­tion, too.

If you try to cre­ate a second account with the same e‑mail address, you will get a cor­res­pond­ing error mes­sage. In that case, please use your e‑mail address to regain your user name and pass­word if you have for­got­ten them (see above). Please note: In some cases, organ­izers have decided to allow users to cre­ate sev­er­al accounts with the same e‑mail address; also in these cases, please use the same account for all actions related to one per­son.

There are some require­ments about the data when you cre­ate an account:

  • The e‑mail address must be val­id. Conf­Tool does sev­er­al tests to ensure that you enter a val­id address to avoid typos. Your e‑mail address will be used to con­tact you about the event, the sub­mis­sion pro­cess and the par­ti­cipant regis­tra­tion pro­cess.
  • The user name has to con­sist of at least 2 char­ac­ters, is case-sens­it­ive and must be unique, i.e., no oth­er Conf­Tool user must already be registered with the same name.
  • The pass­word has to con­sist of at least 5 char­ac­ters, is case-sens­it­ive and has to con­tain at least one Lat­in char­ac­ter (a‑z) and one num­ber (0–9).
  • The pass­word must not be simplist­ic, for instance, it must not be equal to your name.

If you have prob­lems cre­at­ing a user account, please con­tact the Con­fer­ence organ­izers by e‑mail and include all required data. The Con­fer­ence organ­izers will be able to assist you.