
Work­shops and Short Courses are becom­ing increas­ingly import­ant at inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ences to dis­sem­in­ate know­ledge. We are delighted to announce that work­shops and short courses will be a high­light of IMWA 2025. These enga­ging ses­sions will provide attendees with a unique oppor­tun­ity to gain deep­er insights or broaden their know­ledge.

IMWA 2025 will offer Work­shops and Short Courses on Sunday, 6 July 2025. We look for­ward to reveal­ing the full lineup of work­shops and their descrip­tions in due course. This prom­ises to be an excep­tion­al event for aspir­ing enthu­si­asts and seasoned pro­fes­sion­als alike.

Please fill out our short course pro­pos­al form, which you can down­load here, and send it back to the e‑mail address in the doc­u­ment.