

We are pleased to wel­come you Braga (Por­tugal) and Oviedo/Uviéu (Spain) and our 2025 Con­fer­ence. This web page con­tains inform­a­tion about regis­ter­ing for the con­fer­ence, ses­sion present­a­tions, field trips, work­shops, the accom­pa­ny­ing per­sons’ pro­gram, and join­ing as a con­fer­ence spon­sor, exhib­it­or or both. Updates to the pro­gram and activ­it­ies will be pos­ted as they are final­ized. We believe that this will be the world’s fore­most mine drain­age con­fer­ence in 2025 and we are work­ing hard to ensure that you will enjoy your par­ti­cip­a­tion. We anti­cip­ate about 300 attendees and quite pos­sibly more.

Registration Options

Although most par­ti­cipants will prob­ably attend the entire con­fer­ence, but we recog­nize that many attendees may not be able to com­mit to a week-long meet­ing. There­fore, attendees can select and cater their con­fer­ence exper­i­ence and pres­ence to their interests with single-day regis­tra­tions. For example, a per­son may only want to attend the ses­sions on Monday and Tues­day and attend field trips on Wed­nes­day. In this case, they would register for those two days and pay for the field trips they select to attend. Please check the pro­gram, once it is avail­able, for the present­a­tions, work­shops, and field trips you want to attend. Of course, we hope you will join us for the entire con­fer­ence!

The Inter­na­tion­al Mine Water Asso­ci­ation hope to see you in Por­tugal and Spain in 2025
Teresa Valente, Almudena Alonso, Chris­ti­an Wolk­ersdor­fer and the IMWA 2025 Con­fer­ence Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee.