Local Organizing Committee

You can click on the orange names to e‑mail the appro­pri­ate per­son.

If your mat­ter is gen­er­al, please address your mail to secretariat@imwa2025.info

NameInsti­tu­tionIMWA 2025 Func­tion
Teresa ValenteUMinho Uni­ver­sity, BragaCon­fer­ence Chair­per­son
Maria Almudena Ordoñez AlonsoOviedo UnversityCon­fer­ence Co-organ­iser
Chris­ti­an Wolk­ersdor­ferTsh­wane Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy (TUT) IMWA Pres­id­ent
Elke MugovaTU Ber­gakademie FreibergIMWA Gen­er­al Sec­ret­ary
Catar­ina Diamantinoedm – Empresa de Desen­vol­vi­mento Mineiro, S.a.Con­fer­ence Co-organ­iser
Car­los Mar­tinsedm – Empresa de Desen­vol­vi­mento Mineiro, S.a.Con­fer­ence Co-organ­iser
Ana Raquel Bar­roso
UMinho Uni­ver­sity, BragaCon­fer­ence Assist­ant
Amélia Paula Mar­inho-ReisUMinho Uni­ver­sity, BragaCon­fer­ence Assist­ant
Mar­gar­ida AntunesUMinho Uni­ver­sity, BragaCon­fer­ence Assist­ant
Patrí­cia GomesUMinho Uni­ver­sity, BragaCon­fer­ence Assist­ant
Ritva Mühl­bauerIMWA 2025Pro­ceed­ings Man­age­ment

Conference Organiser


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