The use of GoldSim simulation software to support integrated water management on mine sites
Lloyd Townley
Simulation modelling remains a mystery for many professionals whose training does not include mathematics and programming. This workshop will help participants to understand and trust simulation modelling for problem-solving. GoldSim is the world’s most widely used software for simulating water, solute and mass balances on mine sites, to support quantitative risk-based integrated water management throughout the project pipeline: from conceptual and feasibility studies to operations, expansion and closure.
One day is just long enough to provide an introduction to how GoldSim models are constructed and run (“GoldSim for Beginners”), but also to help those responsible for water management onsite to understand what consultants may be offering (“GoldSim for Managers”). Bringing potential service providers and potential users of modelling services together will enhance the learning by both groups.
Morning: What is integrated water management? What kinds of problems need and can be addressed by simulation modelling, at all stages in the project pipeline? What is GoldSim? Introduction to GoldSim “elements”, simulating a dynamic water balance with multiple storages, designing dashboards and using Player files. Examples of types of GoldSim models developed at different stages in the project pipeline. Q&A.
Afternoon: Two parallel themes for beginners and managers. How can GoldSim represent uncertainty in model parameters and forcing? Running and interpreting existing models (examples provided). Q&A.
Expected outcomes: All participants will gain new understanding of integrated water management and the GoldSim development environment. Participants will learn some basics, and also how GoldSim can be coupled with other software, such as PHREEQC, MODFLOW and FEFLOW.
Materials: Each participant should bring a notebook computer (Windows 10 or 11). Each user will be given a temporary licence for GoldSim 15.0. A number of existing models will be provided as .gsm (editable) models and as .gsp (player) files.