From Mine to Mug – A Mine Water & Beer Adventure!

After an excit­ing day of insight­ful dis­cus­sions and present­a­tions at the IMWA 2025 con­fer­ence, relax with us at a fun even­ing event designed spe­cific­ally for stu­dents and young pro­fes­sion­als!

We’ll kick off the even­ing with a deli­cious din­ner, where you’ll have the oppor­tun­ity to mingle with oth­er par­ti­cipants and play some fun games. After din­ner, we’ll take you on a night tour through the heart of the city, stop­ping at spe­cial spots to taste tra­di­tion­al beers, wines, or oth­er drinks the region has to offer.

Event Highlights

  • Din­ner & Drinks Enjoy a cas­u­al din­ner and good com­pany while play­ing games and get­ting to know oth­er research­ers and stu­dents.
  • Night City Tour Walk through the heart of the city on a unique night­time adven­ture, where you’ll have the oppor­tun­ity to sample a vari­ety of tra­di­tion­al drinks and explore his­tor­ic sites, all while social­iz­ing with oth­er par­ti­cipants in a relaxed and lively atmo­sphere.
  • Net­work­ing A great oppor­tun­ity to relax, net­work, and cre­ate last­ing con­nec­tions in a fun, inform­al set­ting.

Last year was awe­some! Check out the pho­tos and testi­mo­ni­als video from young pro­fes­sion­als who had an unfor­get­table time at our even­ing event.

Don’t miss the per­fect way to end your day at the IMWA 2025 con­fer­ence. Spaces are lim­ited, so be sure to register on the first day of the con­gress for a night full of fun, con­nec­tion, and great drinks!

For more inform­a­tion and updates, stay tuned to IMWA’s Linked­In and Web­site!

We can­’t wait to see you there!