Accepted Abstracts

List of abstracts accep­ted as Poster or Oral present­a­tion for IMWA 2025 in Por­tugal and Spain.

Abdelkrim, BIlel; Moumni, Yahya; Msad­dek, Mohamed Haythem; Abaab, Nab­il; Agoubi, Bel­gacem; Antunes, Isa­bel Mar­gar­ida Horta Ribeiro
Ground­wa­ter Con­tam­in­a­tion asso­ci­ated to Phos­phate Mines: Chal­lenges and Sus­tain­able Remedi­ation Strategies

Abey­wick­rama, Janith Thar­anga; Hoth, Nils
Zinc Recov­ery from Aban­doned Mine Drain­age: Insights from the Freiberg Min­ing Region, Ger­many

Abfer­tiawan, Muhammad Sonny; Has­an, Faiz; Meu­t­ia, Raihan­nisa Rizqi
Set­tling Char­ac­ter­ist­ics and Treat­ment Strategies for Open-Cast Coal Mine Water in South Sumatra, Indone­sia

Abfer­tiawan, Muhammad Sonny; Jati, Wahyu Sas­angka; Syafila, Mindri­any; Handa­jani, Mar­isa
Physi­co­chem­ic­al Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of Nick­el Mine Water in South Sulawesi, Indone­sia: Sea­son­al Vari­ations and Treat­ment Poten­tial

Abra­hams, Jam­ie-Leigh Robin; Car­ranza, Emmanuel John M.
Pre­dic­tion and map­ping of Pb con­tent in over­b­ank sed­i­ments affected by coal-min­ing using air­borne hyper­spec­tral ima­ging

Abra­hams, Jam­ie-Leigh Robin; Okujeni, Charles D.; Abegunde, Olu­seyi Ayok­unle; Wu, Chang­hong; Wil­li­ams, Adri­an Sher­man
Geo­chem­ic­al con­trols of poten­tially tox­ic ele­ment (PTE) release from the Gold One tail­ings dam into the Rand­fon­tein area, Wit­water­srand, South Africa

Abreu, Car­o­lina Bit­ten­court de; Werle, Mari­ana; Mort­atti, Bruno; Mar­teleto, Thais de Paula; Albuquerque, Rafael; San­tos, Pablo Vini­cius Silva; Machado, Daniela Alcan­tara; Costa, Eduardo
Tail­ings Man­age­ment in Iron Ore Min­ing: A Com­pre­hens­ive Hydro­geo­chem­ic­al Mod­el­ing Pro­tocol for Dry Stack­ing

Abu­falgha, Ayman Abush­afa M; Stand­er, Helene-mar­ie; Filho, Juarez Amaral; Kot­si­opoulos, Thanos; Broadhurst, Jen­nifer; Har­ris­on, Susan Ther­ese Lar­gi­er
Poten­tial Val­or­isa­tion of Sulf­ide Tail­ings from Coal Waste: Uncon­ven­tion­al Envir­on­ment­al and Eco­nom­ic Oppor­tun­it­ies.

Adero, Nas­hon Juma
Bey­ond Min­ing Hot­spot Counts: Geo­spa­tial Mod­el­ling for Min­ing-Induced Water Resource Risks in Taita Taveta, Kenya

Aguilera, Ángeles; San­tofimia, Esth­er; de Diego, Gra­ciela; Rey-Samper, Jesús Javi­er; Men­or-Salván, Cesar; Tornos, Fernando; González-Tor­il, Elena
Act­ive sul­fur and meth­ane cyc­ling in deep ground­wa­ter from the giant cop­per depos­it of Las Cruces (SW Spain)

Ale­may­ohu, Milash kiros
Acid Mine Drain­age – Mon­it­or­ing, Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion

Alvarez, Rodrigo; Domínguez, José Manuel; Ordóñez, Almudena; Jorge, Loredo; Isidro, Diego
As, Sb and sulph­ate immob­il­iz­a­tion from flot­a­tion tail­ings of an intru­sion-related gold min­er­al­iz­a­tion

Amado, Álvaro; Mar­qués, Ant­o­nio Luis; Fernan­dez, Begoña; Ayala, Julia; Centeno, Teresa A.
Explor­ing the Poten­tial of Hydrochar for the Remov­al of Tox­ic Metals from Min­ing-Influ­enced Waters: A Case Study on Arsen­ic

Andries, Ren­ata Gaud­ereto; Júni­or, Ren­ato Silva; de Melo, Guil­her­me Alves
Water Man­age­ment in Iron Ore Min­ing: Regres­sion Mod­els for Optim­iz­ing Water Use in Min­ing Com­plexes

Annandale, John George; Pat­ous­si­as, Panayot­is; Tan­ner, Phil­lip Dale
Guidelines for mine water irrig­a­tion of rehab­il­it­ated open­cast mine land

Ante­lo, Juan; Fiol, Sarah; Cara­bante, Ivan; Fil­ardi, Isa­bela; Bar­roso, Ana; Valente, Teresa
Arsen­ate and chro­mate atten­u­ation in acid mine drain­age sys­tems

Antunes, Mar­gar­ida; Carvalho, Paula; Albuquerque, Teresa; Abdelkarim, Bilel; San­tos, António
Mine-stream sed­i­ments spa­tial dis­tri­bu­tion and mobil­ity pro­cesses on U‑Th enriched areas

Aquino, Norberto Jr; Butar Butar, Dantie; Alakan­gas, Lena
Cement-Based Sta­bil­iz­a­tion of Pyr­ite-Bear­ing Waste Rock: Invest­ig­at­ing Micro-struc­tur­al and Chem­ic­al Inter­ac­tions at the Cement-Rock Inter­face

Araújo, Joana F.; Cra­votta III, Charles A.; Fon­seca, Rita; da Silva, Roberto P.; Prats A., Ser­gio; Valente, Teresa
Acid Mine Drain­age Remedi­ation with Waste Products: Labor­at­ory Find­ings and Field Mod­el Applic­a­tions

Arcos, Dav­id; Quesada, Pablo; Huamán, Alonso; Coene, Emilie; Demirer, Ersan
Geo­chem­ic­al mon­it­or­ing to use waste rock in mine com­pon­ent con­struc­tion

Arriagada, Isidora; Del­gado, José Luis
Integ­rated Hydro­geo­lo­gic­al Field­work Cam­paign Design to Identi­fy Infilt­ra­tions from Tail­ings

Aygün, Okan; Jack­son, Scott; Fraser, Colin; Stock­well, Justin
Eval­u­at­ing Cli­mate Change Effects on Water Avail­ab­il­ity for a Pro­posed Mine in East­ern Canada

Bar­quero Per­albo, José Ignacio; Higuer­as Higuer­as, Pablo; Esbrí, José María; Mbomio, Feli­ciano; Gar­cía-Ordiales, Efrén
Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of red swamp cray­fish (Proc­am­barus clarkii) as a bioin­dic­at­or of mer­cury and metals pol­lu­tion

Bar­roso, Ana Raquel; Bar­quero, José Ignacio; García‑Ordiales, Efrén García‑Ordiales; Jae­ger, Judith L.; Higuer­as, Pablo; Valente, Teresa Maria
Sec­ond­ary Min­er­als from Evolved Mine Waters: A Detailed Sur­vey in Almadén His­tor­ic Mer­cury Mine Gal­lery

Bar­roso, Ana Raquel; Cra­votta III, Charles A.; Valente, Teresa Maria; Horta Ribeiro, Isa­bel Mar­gar­ida; Mar­inho Reis, Amélia Paula; Gomes, Patrí­cia
Improved Acid­ity Estim­a­tion by Integ­rat­ing Com­pre­hens­ive Dis­solved Metal(oid)s Data: A Geo­chem­ic­al Mod­el­ing Case Study of Highly Min­er­al­ized Mine Waters

Bar­roso, Ana Raquel; Hen­riques, Ren­ato; Cer­queira, Ângela; Gomes, Patrí­cia; Horta Ribeiro, Isa­bel Mar­gar­ida; Mar­inho Reis, Amélia Paula; Valente, Teresa Maria
Advanced Mon­it­or­ing of Aban­doned Min­ing Sites with High-Res­ol­u­tion UAV Tech­no­logy

Bártová, Zuz­ana
Smol­nik Min­ing Site (Slov­akia) and its Poten­tial Use in the Pro­duc­tion of Min­er­al Pig­ments

Bekesi, Gabor; Woods, Juli­ette; Teub­n­er, Michael; Kep­pel, Mark; Inver­ar­ity, Kent; Thompson, Paul
Oppor­tun­it­ies to improve ground­wa­ter mod­els for min­ing assess­ments in South Aus­tralia: learn­ings from com­mon short­com­ings

Bene­dek, Kal­man
Man­age­ment of total sys­tem uncer­tainty in mine water pro­jects

Benyo, Steph­en Lars
Acid Mine Drain­age-Back­ground and Solu­tions-Glob­al Edi­tion

Bernas­coni, Rachele; Lund, Mark; Blanchette, Melanie
Float­ing islands as a tool to pro­mote aquat­ic and ter­restri­al biod­iversity in pit lakes

Bettoni, Laura Nina; Her­bert, Roger
Influ­ence of dif­fer­ent react­ive media on micro­bi­al sulfate reduc­tion at two dis­tinct tem­per­at­ures

Bit­ten­court de Abreu, Car­o­lina; Werle, Mari­ana; Nin­an­ya, Kar­en; Albuquerque, Rafael
Het­ero­gen­eous Oxid­a­tion and Hydro­geo­chem­ic­al Numer­ic­al Sim­u­la­tion in a Urani­um Waste Rock Pile

Bogo­mo­lov, Andrey; Oputin, Mak­sim
Tech­nic­al water sup­ply of indus­tri­al enter­prises under con­di­tions of ver­tic­al strat­i­fic­a­tion of water masses

Booth, Thomas; Cam­mack, Jes­sica
Flood­ing of an under­ground mine dur­ing clos­ure – Ana­lyt­ic­al vs numer­ic­al mod­el estim­a­tions

Botha, Fre­derik Stefanus
Min­ing: The value of cre­at­ing a last­ing leg­acy of water resources with­in unsur­mount­able chal­lenges

Bourke, Nath­an; O’Grady, Audrey; Court­ney, Ron­an
Applic­a­tion of pho­to­syn­thet­ic para­met­ers as indic­at­ors of mac­ro­phyte health in con­struc­ted wet­lands treat­ing mine wastewa­ters

Bowell, Rob
Met­al Recov­ery from Mine Waters in Highly Arid Envir­on­ments, an example from Massive Sulf­ide gen­er­ated mine water in Nam­i­bia

Breck­en­ridge, Larry; Blair, Mehgan; Subot­skaya, Yuliya
Pit Lake Pre­dic­tion Case Study: Man­aging Insec­ur­ity in the Data­set using Brack­eted Inputs

Brown, Adri­an
Water Driv­en Fail­ure of Large Mine Slopes

Butalia, Tar­unjit Singh
Bene­fi­cial Use of Har­ves­ted Coal Com­bus­tion Residues for Sur­face Mine Reclam­a­tion

Butar Butar, Dantie Claudia; Alakan­gas, Lena; Kaas­alain­en, Hanna
Batch leach­ing to enhance dis­sol­u­tion of sili­ceous sec­ond­ary mater­i­als for con­trolling AMD form­a­tion

But­lanska, Joanna; Oliva González, Aldo Onel; Fernan­dez-Merodo, Jose Ant­o­nio; Rodrig­uez-Pacheco, Roberto
Flow Fail­ure of TSF Brunita in 1972, NE Spain

Canavessi, Juana María; Gonza­lez, Claud­ina; de los Hoy­os, Cam­i­lo; Giurich, Fed­erico
Implic­a­tions of Cli­mate Change on Chem­ic­al Sta­bil­ity of Waste Rock Dumps: Case of Study on a Low Sulf­id­a­tion Epi­thermal Depos­it in Cold Desert Cli­mate

Car­pen­ti­er, Alex­ia; Dufour, Robin
Demo­crat­iz­ing mine-water oper­a­tions and mod­el­ling

Carvalho, Paula C.S.; Silva, Maria Manuela V. G.; Antunes, Isa­bel Mar­gar­ida H. R.; San­tos, António; Rocha, Fernando T.; Fer­reira da Silva, Eduardo A.
Spa­tio-tem­por­al vari­ations in hydro­chem­istry and water qual­ity in old tung­sten min­ing areas, cent­ral Por­tugal

Casten­dyk, Dev­in; Sorsby, Sky­ler; Sanc­hez Espana, Javi­er
Screen­ing-level eco­nom­ic eval­u­ation of Crit­ic­al and Stra­tegic Raw Mater­i­als stored in Iberi­an Pyr­ite Belt pit lakes, Spain

Chagonda, Patri­cia Sek­ina; Souta, Moses; Mhizha, Alex­an­der; Misi, Shep­herd N
Tra­cing cur­rent pol­lut­ants dis­charged into the envir­on­ment from min­ing sources and the determ­in­a­tion of inter­ac­tions between sur­face and/or ground­wa­ter with pol­lut­ants. A case of Iron Duke Mine and sur­round­ing act­ive mines.

Chasco Díaz, Irati; Guerreo Már­quez, Jose Luis; Bar­ba Lobo, Ale­jandro; Bolivar Raya, Juan Pedro
Beha­viour of nat­ur­al radi­o­nuc­lides in streams affected by acid mine drain­age in Huelva (South­west Spain)

Chasco Díaz, Irati; Guer­rero Már­quez, Jose Luis; Bar­ba Lobo, Ale­jandro; Bolivar Raya, Juan Pedro
Sim­u­lat­ing Acid Mine Drain­age in Cop­per Ores using Sul­fur­ic Acid as Leach­ing Medi­um

Chen, Meng­fang; Chen, Hong­ping; Ai, Yulu; Feng, Yud­ong; Li, Jing
The treat­ment strategies of acid mine drain­age based on resource util­iz­a­tion

Chi­k­anda, Frances; Iwaki, Hajime; San, Hkaung Htut; Kiku­chi, Ryosuke; Ohtomo, Yoko; Otake, Tsub­asa; Sato, Tsutomu
Geo­chem­ic­al Pro­cesses in Iron-Rich Mine Drain­ages: Enhan­cing Pass­ive Treat­ment Sys­tems through Col­loid Sta­bil­ity and CO₂ Reduc­tion

Chwikhi, Wassim; Atoui, Mounir; Abdelkarim, Bilel; Bou­ajila, Abdel­hakim; Mah­moudi, Salah
Integ­rat­ing remote sens­ing and ana­lyt­ic­al hier­archy pro­cess for soil erosion ana­lys­is in arid regions: Gabès, South­ern Tunisia

Clancy, Logan; Shiimi, Ros­alia; Pearce, Steven; Schoen, Daniel; Ger­sten, Ben; Mouchos, Evan­gelos; Barnes, Andrew
From nov­el labor­at­ory meth­od­o­lo­gies to field imple­ment­a­tion: assess­ing CO₂ and O₂ flux in North­ern Europe mine waste

Col­lin, Thomas Denis; Leahy, Kev­in; Gib­bons, Simon
QUEST: A data-driv­en frame­work for oper­a­tion­al water effi­ciency in min­ing

Costa, Maria Clara; Palma, Tânia; Carli­er, Jorge Daniel
Bio­lo­gic treat­ment of acid mine drain­age: A per­spect­ive of two dec­ades of research, chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies

Cov­elli, Stefano; Bar­ago, Nicolò; Pavoni, Elena; Flore­ani, Fed­erico; Crosera, Mat­teo; Adami, Gian­piero; Mauri, Mara; Lenaz, Dav­ide
Neut­ral mine drain­age: thal­li­um mobil­ity from tail­ings ponds of a car­bon­ate-hos­ted Pb-Zn decom­mis­sioned mine (Raibl, north-east­ern Itali­an Alps)

Cra­votta III, Charles A
Water-Qual­ity Mod­el­ing Tools to Eval­u­ate Atten­u­ation of Dis­solved Con­stitu­ents by Pre­cip­it­a­tion and Adsorp­tion Reac­tions Dur­ing Treat­ment of Acid Mine Drain­age

Cruz Bar­ri­en­tos, Dam­ián Aníbal; Benavente Zolezzi, Oscar Matías; Nav­ar­rete-Calvo, Álvaro Ant­o­nio; Sánchez-Yáñez, Cam­i­lo Emmanuel
Physico-chem­ic­al char­ac­ter­isa­tion of pit lakes using Google Earth Engine: Chilean case study.

da Silva, Roberto Pereira; Fon­seca, Rita Maria Fer­reira; Araújo, Joana Fon­seca
React­ive Bar­ri­ers for Mine Waters Treat­ment: an Approach using Altern­at­ive and Nature-Based Mater­i­als

Dam­huis, Mat­thew John; Shaw, Vicki
Incor­por­at­ing Cli­mate Change into Pro­act­ive Mine Water Man­age­ment Sys­tems

Dam­huis, Mat­thew John; Shaw, Vicki
Com­bined Risk and Adapt­ive Water Man­age­ment Approach to Reduce Mine Clos­ure Liab­il­it­ies

Dam­huis, Mat­thew John; Shaw, Vicki; McCall, Chanel
Oper­a­tion­al Bene­fits of Adapt­ive Water Man­age­ment for Water Pos­it­ive Min­ing Oper­a­tions

De Ladur­antaye-Noel, Myri­am; Oliphant, Dav­id Scott; Gad­bois, Alain
Break­ing the Tox­icity Bar­ri­er: A Gold Mine’s Jour­ney to Sus­tain­able Wastewa­ter Treat­ment

de los Hoy­os, Cam­i­lo Raúl; Canavessi, Juana María; Ley­bourne, Mat­thew; Layton-Mat­thews, Daniel; Verri Kozlowski, Ale­jandro; González, Claud­ina; Bowell, Robert
Unrav­el­ling the anthro­po­gen­ic vs nat­ur­al ori­gin of sulfate and arsen­ic in water: Study case on two high-sulf­id­a­tion Epi­thermal Depos­its

del Olmo, Car­los; Montero, Jesus; Valls, Dav­id
Hydro­geo­lo­gic­al invest­ig­a­tion and mine design to pre­vent the min­ing impact of the future exploit­a­tion of Lith­i­um “Valde­florez Pro­ject” to El Cale­r­i­zo aquifer (Cáceres, Spain)

DePriest, Nath­an Cory; Spirnak, Rachel; Ziemkiewicz, Paul
Eval­u­at­ing the water­shed-scale approach to treat­ment of acid mine drain­age in West Vir­gin­ia, USA

Diamantino, Catar­ina; Mar­tins, Car­los; Carvalho, Edgar
An Over­view of Act­ive and Pass­ive Mine Water Treat­ment at Urgeir­iça Urani­um Leg­acy Mine (Por­tugal)

Díaz-Noriega, Ramón; Fernán­dez, José Paulino; Hek­mat, Asieh
Ana­lys­is of the Factors Affect­ing Tem­per­at­ure Vari­ab­il­ity in Mine Water of a Flooded Shaft

Digges La Touche, Gareth
Every­one goes home?

Digges La Touche, Gareth; Naz­aruk, Sofia; Booth, Thomas; Dem­mer, Thomas; Nick­man, Alireza; Cam­mack, Jes­sica
The applic­a­tion of quant­it­at­ive risk assess­ment to assess­ing the impact of tail­ings man­age­ment facil­it­ies on ground­wa­ter resources

Ding, Yan­qing
The com­pos­i­tion of DOM in the coal mine drain­age in China

Dong, Donglin; Wu, Qiang
Com­pre­hens­ive Study on the Elec­tric­al Char­ac­ter­ist­ics and Full-Spec­trum Tra­cing ofWa­ter Sources inWa­ter-Rich CoalMines

du Preez, Kerri
Demon­stra­tion of a Bio­lo­gic­al Sulfate Reduc­tion Pro­cess at Scale, Treat­ing Acid­ic, Sulfate-Laden Min­ing-Influ­enced Water

Du, Wen­feng; Peng, Sup­ing; Bi, Yinli; Cui, Xiaoqin
Ground­wa­ter Mon­it­or­ing Tech­no­logy in an Open-pit Coal Mine:Case Study from East­ern Inner Mongolia,China

Durães, Nuno; Pat­inha, Carla; Por­tela, Luís; Fer­reira da Silva, Eduardo
Geo­chem­istry of rare earth ele­ments (REE) in acid mine drain­age from the former Canal Caveira mine (south­west Por­tugal)

Ebel, Tom; Krause, Willi; Oppelt, Lukas; Wun­der­lich, Timm; Raithel, Fritz; Grab, Thomas; Fie­back, Tobi­as
Com­par­is­on of Optim­ised Mod­els for the Invest­ig­a­tion of Heat­ing Poten­tials in Aban­doned Mines Using Mine Water

El Aal­laoui, Ayoub; El Ghor­fi, Mustapha; El Ghali, Abel­latif; Taha, Yassine; Ben­zaaz­oua, Mostafa; Hakkou, Rachid
Geo-Envir­on­ment­al Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of Coal Mine Waste Rock: Assess­ing its Poten­tial to Gen­er­ate Acid Mine Drain­age

El Adnani, Mari­am; Dah­mouni, Has­san
Study of An Integ­rated Man­age­ment Scheme for Acid Mine Drain­age Gen­er­at­ing Mine Tail­ings

El houfy, Fatima zohra; Dekayir, Abde­li­l­ah; Rouai, Mohamed; Ech-charef, Abdel­mouiz
Geo­chem­ic­al char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of tail­ing, pit lake sed­i­ment and waters using PHREEQC in Nador aban­doned mine (Morocco)

Embile, Rodrigo Jr; Walder, Ingar
Ground­wa­ter and sur­face water qual­ity around an exist­ing mine: From cur­rent con­di­tions to mine clos­ure

Erick­son, Jac­ob Paul; Breck­en­ridge, J Larry
Invest­ig­a­tion of a Heap Leach Facil­ity leak using Finite Ele­ment Seep­age Ana­lys­is

Erick­son, Jared; Mahay­asa, Made; Haws, Nath­an
Impact of Mine Reclam­a­tion on Storm­wa­ter Run­off Rates

Farahnaz, Ibt­is­ani; Sonny Abfer­tiawan, Muhammad; Syafila, Mindri­any; Handa­jani, Mar­isa
Metals bioac­cu­mu­la­tion in trop­ic­al river basin aquat­ic plant from nick­el min­ing activ­ity and its phytore­medi­ation poten­tial

Felipe, Elaine; Ladeira, Ana Claudia; Souza, Clauson; Fer­reira, Pedro Augusto
Recov­ery of Rare Earth Ele­ments from Dilute Sec­ond­ary

Feng, Chenxin; Zhou, Jian­wei; Wang, Xingjie; Liu, Peng; Li, Wanyu; Pang, Xuey­an
Response mech­an­ism of anti­mony to sulfate in soil-water sys­tem of Xikuang­shan min­ing area in Hun­an Province

Fernán­dez-Rojo, Lidia; Guedes, Ana; Vil­an­ova, Eric; Eche­var­ría, Car­los; Martínez-San­tos, Tamara; Sevilla, Manuel
Innov­at­ive Cir­cu­lar Eco­nomy Approach for Recov­er­ing Valu­able Metals from Acid Mine Drain­age and Sul­phur­ic Acid from Min­ing Waste

Fernan­dez-Rubio, Rafael; Lorca Fernan­dez, Dav­id; Novo Negrillo, Jorge
Innov­a­tion in the Pass­ive Treat­ment of AMD: The Span­ish Meth­od

Figueroa, Linda
Elec­tro­chem­ic­al Treat­ment for Cyan­ide and Heavy Met­al Remov­al from Gold Pro­cessing Wastewa­ter

Fisc­her, Chris­ti­an Erling
The impact of tail­ings re-pro­cessing and sub­sequent deep mine void dis­pos­al as a sus­tain­able post-clos­ure remedi­ation option with­in the lar­ger con­text of the Wit­water­srand gold min­ing basin

Flores, Hernan
Unlock­ing the Poten­tial of Mine Waste in a Cir­cu­lar Eco­nomy: Innov­at­ive Tools, Chal­lenges, and Oppor­tun­it­ies

Flores, Víct­or; Bravo, Ingrid; Elmagrhaby, Adel; Quelo­pana, Aldo; Mar­tinez, Rafael
Water qual­ity pre­dic­tions in the Loa River: address­ing the impact of physi­co­chem­ic­al factors and heavy metals in the Atacama Desert

Fon­seca, Rita Maria Fer­reira; Araújo, Joana Fon­seca; da Silva, Roberto
Mon­it­or­ing, Con­trol, and Pre­ven­tion of Excess Hg in Acid Mine Drain­age (AMD) in an Aban­doned Met­al Sulf­ides Mine (SW Por­tugal), using Nature-Based Solu­tions

Fraser, Colin; Stock­well, Justin
Flow and water qual­ity obser­va­tions from three mine rock lysi­met­ers con­struc­ted at a coal mine in north-east­ern Brit­ish Columbia, Canada

Fur­n­iss, Dav­id; Muhl­bauer, Ritva; Rabo­hale, Inno­cent; Searby, Sash­nee
Phyto­hydraul­ics as a water man­age­ment tool

Gädeke, Anne; Grösch­ke, Maike; Koeni­ger, Paul
Cli­mate indic­at­ors and stable water iso­tope pat­terns in the Lusa­tian lig­nite min­ing dis­trict (Ger­many)

Galas, Pau­line; Mor­in, Bas­tien; Vaute, Laurent; Joder, Mar­sia; Hirsch, Maxime
Hydro­dynam­ic mod­el­ling of rising lower Tri­as­sic sand­stone ground­wa­ter in the Lor­raine coal basin (France)

Gal­lardo, Alfredo; Arcos, Dav­id; Ruiz, Eduardo
Pilot of improved soils as a cov­er altern­at­ive for mine clos­ure of waste dumps, Peru

Gal­lardo, Alfredo; Del Río, Juan; Mel­garejo, John
The use of geo­mor­pho­logy as the basis of min­ing clos­ure: a case of study in a waste rock facil­ity in the Santa Bárbara mine (Peru)

Galvão, Neander­son; França, Silvia Cristina Alves; San­tos, Iranildes Daniel
Eval­u­ation of the effi­ciency of elec­tro­lyt­ic treat­ment in dewa­ter­ing of min­er­al tail­ings

Ge, Chen; Yajun, Sun; Wanghua, Sui; Zhim­in, Xu
Mine water geo­lo­gic­al stor­age in Ordos basin, China

Gis­chia, Scott; Diedrich, Tamara; Li, Xiang
Improv­ing Early Mine Design using Ref­er­ence Class Fore­cast­ing of Mine Water Qual­ity

Gitii, Anthony Njoroge
Mine clos­ure and Asso­ci­ated Leg­acy Issues, case study Base Titani­um

Gomes, Patrí­cia; Valente, Teresa
Acid­ic Lagoon Affected by Acid Mine Drain­age – A Case of Extreme Con­tam­in­a­tion

Gonzales, Edward
Geo­chem­ic­al eval­u­ation of mine water qual­ity in the adja­cent basin of a poly­metal­lic open pit mine – South Amer­ica

Gonza­lez Quiros, Andres; Receveur, Mylene; Mon­aghan, Alis­on; Starch­er, Vanessa; Walk­er-Verkuil, Kyle; van Hun­en, Jer­oen
Influ­ence of Mine Geo­metry and Work­ing Type on Ground­wa­ter Flow and Heat Trans­port for Geo­therm­al Exploit­a­tion

Gonza­lez Quiros, Andres; Stew­art, Mar­garet; Olver, Thomas; Klein, Stefan; Abess­er, Corinna
Chal­lenges and Oppor­tun­it­ies for High-Tem­per­at­ure Mine Thermal Energy Stor­age with Focus on Reg­u­lat­ory Bar­ri­ers for Imple­ment­a­tion

Gou­mghar, Lahcen; Maq­soud, Abdelkabir; Belem, Tikou
Phys­ic­al and Numer­ic­al Mod­el­ing of a Tail­ings from Metal­lur­gic­al Pro­cessing

Green­well, Hugh Chris­toph­er; Kraavi, Karl Eerik; Apeir­anthit­is, Nikolaos
Scal­ing up pass­ive mine treat­ment with a low reten­tion time biopoly­mer sorb­ent: PLWM, a case study from Wales

Guti­er­rez, Manuel; Tapi­as, Laura
Using Geo­phys­ics Meth­ods to Ana­lyze Evol­u­tion of Infilt­ra­tion from a Tail­ing Stor­age Facil­ity

Guti­er­rez, Manuel; Tapi­as, Laura
Multi-vari­able Ana­lys­is for Fault Iden­ti­fic­a­tion and Hydraul­ic Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion

Guti­er­rez, Manuel; Tapi­as, Laura; Del­gado, Jose Luis
Five Years of Hydro­geo­lo­gic­al Con­sult­ing for a Min­ing Com­pany: Les­sons Learned for Suc­cess­ful Work

Hahn, Flori­an; Klein, Stefan; Ver­ho­even, René; Mannke, Kev­in; Braun, Marco
Feas­ib­il­ity study: Geo­therm­al loc­al heat­ing with mine water for the fore­seen devel­op­ment area Rich­terich­er-Dell in Aachen, Ger­many

Har­couët-Men­ou, Vir­ginie; Dupont, Nic­olas; Kaufmann, Olivi­er; Hernan­dez, Edgar; De Paoli, Car­oline; Orb­an, Phil­ippe; N’Depo, Yan­ick; Mar­tin, Thi­erry; Moer­mans, Gert; Neven, Thomas; Sch­el­ings, Clé­mentine; Tell­er, Jacques; Dassar­gues, Alain; Waroux, Thomas
Unlock­ing the Geo­therm­al Poten­tial of Aban­doned Mines: A Path to Renew­able Energy and Region­al Revital­iz­a­tion in Wal­lo­nia – Meth­od­o­logy and Mod­el­ing approaches

Hed­doun, Ouissal; El Baroudi, Majid; Ait Lemka­deme, Anas­se; Ben­zaaz­oua, Mostafa
Integ­rat­ing Hydro­geo­lo­gic­al and Geo­phys­ic­al Mod­el­ing for Sus­tain­able Water Man­age­ment in Phos­phate Min­ing: A Case Study of the Beni Amir Depos­it, Morocco

Hes­keth, Alex; Thompson, Gra­hame
Turn­ing a liab­il­ity into an oppor­tun­ity: water bene­fi­ci­ation in gold min­ing

Hud­son, Ash­lene; Murnane, John; Court­ney, Ron­an
Con­struc­ted wet­lands for treat­ment of alkaline baux­ite residue leachate: ten years of mon­it­or­ing a single cell sys­tem and optim­ising designs for a multi-cell approach.

Hug­man, Rui; Coulon, Cecile; Zwing­er, Johanna; de Sousa, Eduardo
Optim­iz­a­tion of Pre­dic­tion-Driv­en Mon­it­or­ing Pro­grams

Hur­tado-Cruz, Juan Pablo
Devel­op­ment of a design and plan­ning meth­od­o­logy for the drain­age of mines and deep under­ground works

Isinkaye, Mat­thew Omon­iyi; Fas­anmi, Paul­i­nah Oyidamola
Health Risk Assess­ment of Norms and Poten­tially Tox­ic Metals in Mine Waters from Artis­an­al Min­ing Sites With­in the Ife-Ile­sha Schist Belt: a Monte Carlo Sim­u­la­tion Approach

Izquierdo-Díaz, Miguel; Ordóñez, Almudena; Ser­rano-Gar­cía, Hum­berto; Álvarez, Rodrigo; Gar­cía-Fernán­dez, Car­men Covadonga; Gar­cía-Ordiales, Efrén; De Miguel, Eduardo; Bar­rio-Parra, Fernando
Dif­fus­ive Gradi­ents in Thin Films (DGT) as an aid to risk assess­ment in water­courses affected by mine drain­age

Jack­son, Scott; Fraser, Colin; Aygün, Okan
Prac­tic­al Guid­ance for Adjust­ing Rain­fall Annu­al Exceedance Prob­ab­il­ity Estim­ates for Cli­mate Change

Jac­ob, Jerome; Pino Her­rera, Douglas; Plat, Emmanuelle
Treat­ment of AMD lim­ing sludge for metals recov­ery and min­ing site rehab­il­it­a­tion

Jae­ger-Col­lantes, Judith L.; Bar­quero-Per­albo, José I.; Jiménez-Oyola, Sam­antha T.; Bac­ale-Mben­gono, Feli­ciano M.; Gar­cía-Ordiales, Efrén; Higuer­as, Pablo L.
Prob­ab­il­ist­ic ana­lys­is of human health risks linked to Proc­am­barus Clarkii con­sump­tion in Almadén Hg Min­ing Dis­trict

Jara­millo, Nat­alia; Restrepo, Oscar Jaime; Mar­qués, Ant­o­nio Luis; Fernan­dez, Begoña; Ayala, Julia
Recov­ery of sands from gold min­ing tail­ings for clinker man­u­fac­ture

Jares Salguero, Iván; Gar­cía Ordiales, Efrén; González Gen­i­cio, Luis; Laine Cuervo, Guillermo; del Campo, Juan José
An approach to green cor­ro­sion inhib­it­ors in acid mine drain­age (AMD)

Jeon, Han Gyeol; Thoeun, Davy; Kim, Kyoung-Woong
Sus­tain­able Immob­il­iz­a­tion of As and Se using Mag­nesi­um Pre­cip­it­ate derived from Sea­wa­ter Elec­tro-Chlor­in­a­tion Facil­ity

Jiang, Feng
Feas­ib­il­ity of a new sul­fur-dis­pro­por­tion­at­ing bac­teri­um for acid mine drain­age treat­ment

John­stone, Andrew Clif­ford
The Envir­o­ment­al and Fin­an­cial Aspects for the Use of Pit­lakes for Sus­tain­able Mine Clos­ure

Kao, Nady; Barazzuol, Lisa
Com­par­is­on of Nitro­gen Spe­ci­ation from Resid­ual Explos­ives from Under­ground and Open Pit Met­al Mines and Sur­face Quar­ries

Katayama, Taiki; Watanabe, Miho; Miyata, Naoy­uki; Komura, Yuto; Tum, Sereyroith; Yas­u­taka, Tet­suo
Manganese(II) remov­al biore­act­or sys­tem of mine drain­age is dom­in­ated by chemo­li­tho­troph­ic man­ganese oxid­iz­ing microor­gan­isms

Kim, Duk-Min; Bot­tger-Gamarra, Joyce Car­ol; Rodrig­uez-Vasquez, Car­men; Jeon, Jong-Wook; Choi, Eun‑A; Im, Yeon-Jun; Kang, Seyoung
Act­ive treat­ment exper­i­ments includ­ing coprecip­it­a­tion-adsorp­tion of arsen­ic for mine drain­ages in Peru

Kim, Duk-Min; Lee, Ki-Rim; Ko, Ju-In
Poten­tial gen­er­a­tion and con­sump­tion of car­bon diox­ide dur­ing treat­ment of mine drain­ages in South Korea

Kim, Duk-Min; Rodrig­uez-Vasquez, Car­men; Bot­tger-Gamarra, Joyce Car­ol; Jeon, Jong-Wook; Choi, Eun‑A; Im, Yeon-Jun; Kang, Seyoung
Pass­ive treat­ment exper­i­ments includ­ing slag react­or and As adsorp­tion react­or for mine drain­ages in Peru

Klinger, Chris­toph; Poll­mann, Nele; Sun­ten, Julia Nico­lina; von Klein­sor­gen, Christine
Mod­el­ling of mine water dis­charges with integ­rated pump man­age­ment

Komura, Yuto; Katayama, Taiki; Yas­u­taka, Tet­suo; Tum, Sereyroith; Watanabe, Miho; Miyata, Naoy­uki
Factors con­trolling manganese(II) remov­al effi­ciency in a pass­ive treat­ment biore­act­or with Mn(II)-oxidizing microor­gan­isms

Kondo, Masataka; Masaki, Yusei; Hagi­hara, Kana; Igu­chi, Koki; Hamai, Takaya; Semoto, Yuki; Kam­iya, Taro; Oku­mura, Masao; Sato, Naoki
Annu­al treat­ment per­form­ances of sulfate-redu­cing pro­cess under eth­an­ol addi­tion con­di­tions with rice bran for zinc con­tain­ing AMD in Japan

Kopačková-Str­nadová, Ver­onika; Kýhos, Mar­tin; Jelének, Jan
Effi­cient Earth Obser­va­tion Sys­tem for Acid Mine Drain­age Mon­it­or­ing

Kraw­czyk-Bär­sch, Evelyn; Dro­bot, Björn; Raff, Johannes
Biore­medi­ation of urani­um-con­tam­in­ated water: mag­net­ic bac­teria as poten­tial sup­port­ers

Kunz, Nadja Cath­er­ine; Adamir­rah­mani, Mohammad; Guimaraes, Alice; Palash, Wahid; Sam, Sam­antha; Steen, John
Nov­el approaches to mit­ig­ate the cli­mate-related water risks of the Cana­dian min­ing sec­tor

Kusuma, Gint­ing Jalu; Feb­ri­ana, Dian; Dwiki, Sendy; Badhurah­man, Abie; Sal­mawati, Sal­mawati; Para­man­anda, IK Dwika; Gautama, Rudy Sayoga
Set­tling Char­ac­ter­ist­ics and Phys­ic-Geo­chem­ic­al Sta­bil­ity of Fly Ash for Acid Mine Drain­age Neut­ral­iz­a­tion in Pit Lakes: A Labor­at­ory-Scale Study

Kýhos, Mar­tin; Jelének, Jan; Zabokas, Gian­nis; Agali, Ath­ina; Goun­ar­is, Kos­tas; Kopačková-Str­nadová, Ver­onika
Multi­s­ensor-based sur­face water qual­ity mon­it­or­ing: a case study for the Chalkidiki pen­in­sula, Greece

Lang­man, Jeff; Mar­tin, Juli­anna
Kin­et­ic Column Eval­u­ation of Poten­tial Con­struc­tion Options Dur­ing Coal Mine Pit Res­tor­a­tion to Lessen Con­tam­in­ant Mobil­ity in Back­fill Aquifers

Leahy, Kev­in; Gib­bons, Simon
Mine Water in the Glob­al Industry Stand­ard on Tail­ings Man­age­ment

Lee, Dong-Kil; Cheong, Young­wook; Ji, Sang­woo; Yim, Gil­jae
Exper­i­ment­al approach on optim­al design of flush­ing sys­tem in SAPS pond

Lee, Ki-Rim; Kim, Duk-Min; Kwon, Hye-Lim; Kim, Nam-Kyu; Kim, Young-Min; Im, Dae-Gyu; Kim, Shin-Dong; Koo, Seul-Ki; Ko, Ju-In; Mok, Jin-Ho
A Com­pre­hens­ive Approach to Flu­or­ide Treat­ment in Mine Drain­age: Chem­ic­al Pre­cip­it­a­tion and Adsorp­tion

Lefti­cariu, Lili­ana; Bow­man, Rayn L.; Lew­in­ski, Madeline; Specht, Jerome; Behum, Paul T.
The role of col­loid­al and par­tic­u­late frac­tions in REEs enrich­ments in coal-based acid mine drain­age sys­tems

Lehmann, Jonas Enno; Ver­ho­even, Rene; Hahn, Flori­an; Klein, Stefan; Mannke, Kev­in; Seidel, Tor­sten; Rolf, Tobi­as
Feas­ib­il­ity of Thermal Mine Water Use at the UNESCO World Her­it­age Site and Former Coal Mine Zollver­ein in Essen, Ger­many

Li, Wanyu; Zhou, Jian­wei; Wang, Xingjie; Feng, Chenxin
New insights at the molecu­lar level: the impact of DOM on anti­mony migra­tion and enrich­ment in water envir­on­ments of anti­mony min­ing areas

Lim, Junghy­un; Pabst, Thomas; Chung, Eun­hyea
React­ive trans­port mod­el­ing for pre­dict­ing the envir­on­ment­al impact of mine waste rock

Long, Chazanne
Improved water qual­ity pre­dic­tions using mod­ern geo-envir­on­ment­al mod­els as a tool towards respons­ible min­ing

Lopez, Mar­jory; Nan­cucheo, Ivan
Oper­a­tion of a con­tinu­ous sulf­ido­gen­ic sys­tem for treat­ing mine water with a high con­cen­tra­tion of chlor­ide

López-Lasserra, Kath­eryn; Hidalgo, M. Car­men; Rey, Javi­er; de la Torre, M. José; Cam­pos, M. José; Benavente, José; El Adnani, Mari­am
Metal(loid)s in sed­i­ments and assess­ment of envir­on­ment­al con­tam­in­a­tion in the Rumblar reser­voir (La Car­o­lina min­ing dis­trict, Spain)

Lorentz, Simon Ant­ony; Reddy, Kyle Trent Camer­on
Dewa­ter­ing Cop­per Tail­ings for Re-min­ing

Lourens, Paul Joël Have­mann; Ver­meu­len, Pet­rus Daniel
MCA – Water Qual­ity Risk Assess­ment Tool

Madis­eng, Lesego Eliza­beth; Annandale, John George; Tan­ner, Philip Dale; van Aswe­gen, Cor­leen; Sukati, Sakhi­wo
Irrig­a­tion with gold­mine water

Mad­lala, Tebogo Eugene; Kanyer­ere, Thokoz­ani; Ober­hol­ster, Paul; Pien­aar, Har­ris­on
Benthic Diat­oms as Indic­at­ors of Ground­wa­ter-Sur­face Water Con­nectiv­ity in Coal Min­ing Wet­lands: Case of depres­sion wet­lands in Bel­fast, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

Maest, Ann
Remin­ing for renew­able energy metals

Mah­lan­gu, Mlungisi; Maree, Jahannes Phil­ip­pus; More, Kagiso Samuel
Treat­ment of Leachate with Pipe Freeze Crys­tal­liz­a­tion

Mahlohla, Mamile Belina; Mas­indi, Vhahang­wele; Tekere, Memory; Fotein­is, Spyros
Recov­ery of poly-cation­ic met­al sulph­ate from acid mine drain­age and its bene­fi­ci­ation as a coagu­lant for drink­ing water treat­ment

Mannke, Kev­in; Hahn, Flori­an; Ver­ho­even, René; Klein, Stefan; Lehmann, Jonas Enno
Occur­ring chal­lenges in the devel­op­ment pro­cess of geo­therm­al mine water pro­jects and pos­sible solu­tions

Man­ono, Malibong­we
Depres­sion and Dewa­ter­ing Char­ac­ter­ist­ics of Kaol­in­ite in View of the Repro­cessing of Ultrafine Col­li­ery Waste

Maq­soud, Abdelkabir; Addi, Nor El hoda; Belem, Tikou; Mbon­impa, Mamert
Assess­ment of Super­ab­sorb­ent Poly­mers Cap­ab­il­ity in the Treat­ment of Met­al Min­ing Efflu­ent

Maq­soud, Abdelkabir; Diaby, Sékou; Edahbi, Mohamed
Kin­et­ic test to assess the long-term hydro­chem­ic­al beha­viour of mater­i­als recog­nised for the Ity mine site (Ivory Coast) reclam­a­tion

Mar­qués Sierra, Ant­o­nio Luis
Elec­tri­city Gen­er­a­tion from Low-Enthalpy Mine Water Using Enhanced Organ­ic Rank­ine Cycle (ORC) Sys­tems

Mar­qués Sierra, Ant­o­nio Luis; Cien­fue­gos Suárez, Pablo
Nano-Treat­ment of Tail­ings Stor­age Facil­it­ies: A Sus­tain­able Approach to PHE Leachate Con­trol

Mar­qués Sierra, Ant­o­nio Luis; Cien­fue­gos Suárez, Pablo
Sel­en­i­um Remov­al from Min­ing-Influ­enced Waters: Exper­i­ment­al Stud­ies

Mar­qués, Ant­o­nio Luis; Fernan­dez, Begoña; Fernán­dez, Angeles; Ayala, Julia
Geo­chem­ic­al mod­el­ling applied to the study of arsen­ic mobil­iz­a­tion in aban­doned mines.

Matur­ana, Ringo; Nav­ar­rete-Calvo, Alvaro Ant­o­nio; Quin­ter­os, Joaquín; Fernán­dez, Sofía; Sánchez-Yáñez, Cam­i­lo
Innov­at­ive UAV-Based Multis­pec­tral Map­ping of Con­tam­in­ant Spread from Mine Tail­ings Spill

Melen­dez-Torres, Patri­cia I.; Reyn­oso-Ortega, Máx­imo E.; Tejada-Tejada, Pamela R.; Valente, Teresa Maria; Jauregui-Haza, Ulises J.
Com­pet­it­ive Adsorp­tion of Tox­ic Metals Using Activ­ated Car­bon Derived from Sar­gas­sum for Poly­metal­lic Acid Mine Drain­age Treat­ment

Mel­oni, Fed­er­ica; Mon­tegrossi, Giord­ano; Nisi, Bar­bara; Cabassi, Jac­opo; Bian­chi, Francesco; Mirri, Stefano; Pro­feti, Andrea; Vas­el­li, Orlando
Envir­on­ment­al Chal­lenges And Remedi­ation Oper­a­tions at The Former Sb-mine of Le Cet­ine (Tuscany, Italy): Mon­it­or­ing And Innov­at­ive Water Treat­ment Solu­tions

Men­d­onça, Raquel; Coura, Jam­ila; Assis, Fran­ciane; Brovini, Emília; Mel­lito, Kátia; Lage, Lud­m­ila; Azevedo, Tal­ita; Juni­or, Abraão; Salomão, Gab­ri­el; Fer­reira, Tatiana; Pan­tuzza, Cam­ila; Alves, Guil­her­me
Anthro­po­gen­ic Geo­chem­ic­al Back­ground for Assess­ment of Mine Drain­age Impact­In­flu­ence on Sur­face Water Sys­tems: Insights from Itabira, Brazil

Meuze­laar, Tom
Applic­a­tion of Unsu­per­vised Machine Learn­ing Meth­ods to Mine Water Qual­ity Data

Meuze­laar, Tom; Nun­ez Fernan­dez, Pablo
Innov­a­tion in Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion – Touro Cop­per Depos­it – Galicia, Spain

Mil­czarek, Michael; Keller, Jason; Yao, Tzung-mow; Miskolczi, Joz­sef
Robust Tools to Char­ac­ter­ize and Mod­el Tail­ing Stor­age Facil­ity Water Bal­ances

Miller, Savan­nah; Coulon, Cecile; Markovich, Katie; Beal, Lakin
Provid­ing Guid­ance for Mine Remedi­ation and Clos­ure Plan­ning Through Prob­ab­il­ist­ic Ground­wa­ter Flow and Trans­port Mod­el­ing

Milton-Thompson, Olivia; Roet­ting, Tobi­as
Fully coupled Gold­Sim-PHREEQC mod­el using PhreeqPy

Mogashane, Tumelo Monty; Maree, Johannes Phil­ip­pus; Mokoena, Lebo­hang
Invest­ig­at­ing Inhib­it­ors to Pre­vent Cal­ci­um Sulfate Pre­cip­it­a­tion in Acid Mine Drain­age Treat­ment Pro­cesses

Mon­real, Patri­cio Ignacio; Cab­rera, Maria José; Ramirez, Rain­i­er
Integ­rated 3D Laser Scan­ning Imple­ment­a­tion for Mon­it­or­ing Tail­ings Dams

Mor­gan, Richard; Coulton, Richard
The import­ance of the Inor­gan­ic Car­bon ana­lys­is in Act­ive Mine Water Treat­ment

Mor­in, Bas­tien; Vaute, Laurent; Col­lon, Pau­line
Field invest­ig­a­tion in a flooded shaft to char­ac­ter­ize neut­ral mine drain­age with­in the Gard­anne lig­nite mine (France)

Moro, Kofi; Hoth, Nils; Drebenstedt, Carsten
Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of Old Tail­ings Mater­i­als for Li-Sn Extrac­tion and Sus­tain­able Envir­on­ment­al Man­age­ment: A Case Study of the Bielat­al Tail­ings Dam, Alten­berg, East­ern Ore Moun­tains, Sax­ony, Ger­many

Mor­ton, Kym Les­ley; Bovim, Alastair
Advances in integ­rated per­form­ance mon­it­or­ing of Tail­ings Stor­age Facil­it­ies

Mosai, Alseno Kagiso; Phasha, Mil­dred
Pos­sible value recov­ery from abund­ant gold mine dumps in Krugersdorp, South Africa

Moya Aran­zu­bia, Olga
Coal Acid Mine Drain­age – Pass­ive Treat­ment Lime Com­post Drains – Three aban­doned coal mined sites in South­ern Illinois

Mugova, Chipo; Arnodl, Mar­len G.
Envir­on­ment­al Gov­ernance and Water Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in Artis­an­al and Small-Scale Gold Min­ing: Case of Zim­b­ab­we

Mugova, Elke; Wolk­ersdor­fer, Chris­ti­an; Hahn, Flori­an
Explor­ing Geo­therm­al Applic­a­tions in Flooded Under­ground Mines with an Ana­logue Mod­el Mine

Muhend­ato, Adam; Karama, Fahim; Chem­bea, Gunda
Devel­op­ment of Smart Water Man­age­ment Sys­tem in Under­ground and Sur­face Mines Case Study: Mom­basa Cement, Athi River Oper­a­tion Unit

Muturi, Fes­tus
Man­age­ment of Mine Water and Water Resources: A Case Study of Osiri-Matanda Gold mines in Migori County in Kenya

Mzoughi, Mah­er; Her­massi, Mehrez; Bélanger, Étienne; Genty, Thomas; M. Necul­ita, Car­men
Enhan­cing Ammo­nia Nitro­gen Remov­al from Saline Min­ing Efflu­ents: A Hybrid Approach with Ozone Micro­bubbles and Pre­cip­it­a­tion

Nag­houm, Ilham; Edahbi, Mohamed; Durães, Nuno; Pat­inha, Carla; Her­rera Melián, José Alberto; Sal­moun, Farida
Water qual­ity assess­ment and remedi­ation essays in the iron min­ing area of Ouix­ane (Morocco) affected by acid mine drain­age

Naidu, Tamlyn Sasha; Sherid­an, Craig; Hard­wick, Ed; Holm, Peter E.
Crit­ic­al Raw Mater­i­als Recov­ery from Acid Mine Drain­age

Nairn, Robert W.; Dorman, Dayton M; McCann, Justine I.; Olson, Leif H.; LaB­ar, Julie A.
Clos­ing the Loop: Poten­tial Resource Recov­ery from Vari­ous Pass­ive Treat­ment Sys­tem Resid­uals

Nakamura, Fugo; San, Hkaung Htut; Iwaki, Hajime; Rawang­phai, Monthicha; Kit­agawa, Naomi; Mor­imoto, Shinichiro; Nak­agaki, Takao; Sato, Tsutomu
Pass­ive Treat­ment of Acid Mine Drain­age Integ­rated with Car­bon Diox­ide Remov­al by Enhanced Rock Weath­er­ing in Acid Mine Drain­age

Naray­an, Ron­eel; Ant­o­nio, Chris­ti­an; Ziem­ski, Mar­cin; Sch­euer­mann, Alex­an­der; Edraki, Man­sour
Co-dis­pos­al of mine waste streams for improved water recov­ery and envir­on­ment­al per­form­ance

Nas­sery, Ham­id reza; Jafari, Farnoosh; Ali­jani, Far­shad
Determ­in­a­tion of Ground­wa­ter Salin­ity Ori­gin in Pit2 of Gol­go­har Mine, Iran Using Self-Organ­iz­ing Map and Cluster Ana­lys­is

Nav­ar­rete-Calvo, Álvaro Ant­o­nio; Sánchez-Yáñez, Cam­i­lo Emmanuel; Bustamante-Pen­a­gos, Nat­alia; Matur­ana, Ringo; Hidalgo, Max; Mont­ser­rat, San­ti­ago
Envir­on­ment­al geo­chem­ic­al impact of tail­ings spills in nat­ur­al streams in Chile (Mapocho river case)

Nehler, Math­i­as; Hahn, Flori­an; Klein, Stefan; Stürmer, Stefan; Hein­ze, Thomas; Börner, Jascha; Licha, Tobi­as; Kosse, Pas­cal; Emmanuel, Stephan; Seidel, Tor­sten; Ahrens, Bene­dikt; Dietl, Marco; Oppelt, Lukas; Wun­der­lich, Timm; Grab, Thomas; König, Chris­toph M.; Reinsch, Thomas; Wich­ern, Marc
A case study for thermal heat stor­age in an aban­doned small-scale coal mine

Neira-Aren­as, Gust­avo; Nav­arro-Martínez, Sebastián
Ana­lys­is of mine clos­ure prac­tices and the reg­u­lat­ory min­ing frame­work in the Cór­doba province – Colom­bia

Neira-Aren­as, Gust­avo; Nav­arro-Martínez, Sebastián
Mul­ti­tem­por­al Remote Sens­ing Assess­ment of Flu­vi­al Dynam­ics and the Efects of allu­vi­al min­ing in the Guavi­are River Basin, Colom­bia

New­man Por­tela, Ant­o­nio M.; Kvash­nina, Kristina; Baz­ark­ina, Elena; Roßberg, André; Bok, Frank; Kas­sahun, Andrea; Raff, Johannes; Mer­roun, Mohamed L.; Kraw­czyk-Bär­sch, Evelyn
Effect­ive Uranium(VI) Reduc­tion in Mine Water: Uncov­er­ing U(IV) and U(V) Form­a­tion and Sta­bil­iz­a­tion through Gly­cer­ol-Based Bios­tim­u­la­tion

Nguem­ga­ing, Helene Flore
Rare Earth Ele­ments Extrac­tion from Acid Mine Drain­age: Own­er­ship and Legis­lat­ive Chal­lenges

Nikutta, Simon E.; Teich­ert, Bar­bara M. A.; Jas­nowski-Peters, Hen­ning; Strauss, Har­ald; West­er­mann, Sebasti­an
Geo­chem­ic­al mod­el­ling of sul­fur cyc­ling pro­cesses dur­ing mine water rebound in former hard coal mines of the Ruhr and Saar region, Ger­many

Nils­son, Mag­nus; De Ladur­antaye-Noel, Myri­am
Part­ners in Sus­tain­ab­il­ity: The Bene­fits of a Col­lab­or­at­ive Rela­tion­ship Between a Mine, Con­sult­ant, and Sup­pli­er in Water Man­age­ment

Nishi­kata, Miu; Hashimoto, Yohey; Oguri, Tomoko; Yas­u­taka, Tet­suo
Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of core samples and mech­an­isms of zinc leach­ing in a waste rock dump of aban­doned mines

Nix­dorf, Erik; Böh­meke, Maik; Fahle, Mar­cus
Invest­ig­at­ing the Effects of Storm Events on the Tem­por­al Dynam­ics of Acid Mine Drain­age Loads in Receiv­ing Streams of the Lusa­tian Lig­nite Min­ing Dis­trict (Ger­many)

Nkansah-Boadu, Frank; Ido, Hatam; Taylor, Jon; Bald­win, Susan
Remov­al of Sol­uble Sel­en­i­um from Coal Min­ing Influ­enced Water using Indi­gen­ous Micro­bi­al Con­sor­tia

Nord­strom, Dar­rell Kirk
A Hydrogeochemist’s Mind­ful Toolkit: Con­cep­tu­al­iz­a­tion, Char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion, and Mod­el­ing of Mine Sites Pro­du­cing Acid Mine Drain­age

Orcutt, Heath; Benavente, Oscar
React­ive Trans­port Mod­el of Sol­uble Min­er­al Dis­sol­u­tion and Tail­ings Set­tle­ment

Ordóñez, Almudena; Álvarez, Rodrigo; Gar­cía, Car­men; Gar­cía, Sil­verio
Study of the flood­ing of coal mines in Asturi­as. Pos­sib­il­it­ies for the use of min­ing reser­voirs

Oyetibo, Gan­iyu; Kothe, Erika
Poten­tial applic­a­tion of Par­aburk­hol­d­er­ia sp. GS58 to sus­tain­able remedi­ation of water sys­tems impacted with drains from urani­um ore min­ing

Palmer, Michael Wil­li­am; Bladen, Car­oline
Integ­rated Hydro­lo­gic­al Mod­el for Hol­ist­ic Determ­in­a­tion of Secur­ity of Water Sup­ply and Eco­lo­gic­al Flow Require­ments at a West Afric­an Min­er­al Sands Mine

Papp, Richard Zoltan; Koba, Mate; Milošević, Zor­ana
Autonom­ous Robot­ic Explor­a­tion in Flooded Mines

Para­man­anda, IK Dwika; Has­a­n­ah, Sarah; Nisa, Leri­an; Kusuma, Gint­ing Jalu; Gautama, Rudy Sayoga; Badhurah­man, Abie; Sal­mawati, Sal­mawati; Dwiki, Sendy; Rizki, Intan Nurul
Mine Clos­ure Strategy for Pit Lakes Form­a­tion in Indone­sia: Ini­tial Frame­work for Open Pit Coal Mine

Park­er, Kier­an; Ní Chon­chubhair, Rebecca; Nov­el­lino, Aless­andro
Brine migra­tion from deep flooded aban­doned salt mines and its influ­ence on sur­face sta­bil­ity

Pawlowska, Agnieszka
Inter­ac­tion between bac­teria and min­er­als in post-min­ing heaps in view of metal(loid) release

Pearce, Steven Richard; Brook­shaw, Diana; Grant, Soph­ie
Kin­et­ic test­ing: The myth­o­logy of scal­ing factors and some prac­tic­al solu­tions

Ped­roni, Lin­car; Pel­leti­er, Steve
Fay­olle mine site water man­age­ment chal­lenges case study

Pepe, Katelyn Ren­ee; Lin, Lian-Shin
Util­iz­ing Iron from AMD for Energy Effi­cient Wastewa­ter Treat­ment and Nutri­ent Recov­ery

Phon­seela, Nachay­ada; Booth, Thomas; Eck­hard, Thomas
Coupled ground­wa­ter-sur­face water mod­el­ling work­flow to sup­port risk assess­ment of an aban­doned under­ground coal mine due to nat­ur­al mine water rebound

Pot­ter, Hugh; Whi­taker, Phil; Atkins, Amy; Jones, Kerry; Cox, Nick; New­ton, Chris­toph­er; Bam­forth, Selina
England’s leg­al tar­get to clean up cen­tur­ies of pol­lu­tion by aban­doned met­al mines: new inter­ven­tions

Qiao, Hanli; Jooshaki, Mohammad; Rolle, Massimo; Lähiv­aara, Timo; Vauhkon­en, Marko; Kaup­pila, Tommi; Muniruzza­man, Muhammad
A phys­ics- and chem­istry-informed neur­al net­work for sim­u­lat­ing mine waste weath­er­ing: Applic­a­tion to pyr­ite oxid­a­tion mod­el­ing

Ramírez Pérez, Juan Ant­o­nio; Bolívar Raya, Juan Pedro; Bar­ba Lobo, Ale­jandro; Gázquez González, Manuel Jesús
Radi­olo­gic­al assess­ment of cop­per min­ing wastes from the Iberi­an Pyr­ite Belt

Rapeta, Mokgadi Glad­ness; Maree, Johannes Phil­ip­pus
Remov­al of Iron(ll) as Mag­netite (Fe3O4) from Acid Mine Water

Reker, Basti­an; West­er­mann, Sebasti­an
Re-Min­ing of mine water sludges in Ger­many. An oppor­tun­ity?

Rhino, Kev­ins; Jac­ob, Jerome; Lassin, Arnault; Dure, Fre­der­ic; Engev­in, Jeremy; Hur­on, Justine; Guer­in, Valer­ie
Tomo­graphy and mod­el­ling as sup­port for dimen­sion­ing of an AMD treat­ment using DAS at an old tin mine in France

Rincón-Tomás, Blanca; González-Sanz, Fran­cisco Javi­er; Aguilera, Ángeles; San­tofimia, Esth­er
Envir­on­ment­al Con­tam­in­ant and Rare Earth Ele­ment (REE) Remov­al by Micro­bi­al Lepido­cro­cite in Acid Waters

Roa, Alex­an­dra; López, Julio; Cor­tina, José Luis
Towards Sus­tain­able Recov­ery of Rare Earth Ele­ments from Acid­ic Mine Waters: A Cir­cu­lar Treat­ment Approach Integ­rat­ing Select­ive Pre­cip­it­a­tion and Ion Exchange

Rodríguez, Rafael; Gar­cía, Efrén; Fernán­dez, Begoña; Ayala, Julia
Use of indus­tri­al by-products to prevent/reduce water con­tam­in­a­tion with As and Hg

Roe­bert, Mark; Mntung­wa, Nathi; Msitsini, Moses; Mor­ton, Kym Les­ley
Advances in mine dewa­ter­ing design and mon­it­or­ing at Thar­isa chrome mine Rusten­burg South Africa

Roet­ting, Tobi­as Stefan; Hall, Iain; Digges La Touche, Gareth; Sid­dorn, Louise
Detailed res­ults from AMD pass­ive treat­ment tri­als using Dis­persed Alkaline Sub­strate at Parys Moun­tain, Wales

Roode-Gutzmer, Quir­ina Isa­bella
Quan­ti­fy­ing the effect of min­ing on water resources using Full Cost Account­ing: A case study of gold and urani­um leg­acy min­ing sites in South Africa and Ger­many

Ross, Cheryl Suz­anne; Thompson, Jen­nifer; Jak­ubow­ski, Ryan
Car­bon­ate Reac­tions that Dic­tate Drain­age Chem­istry and Implic­a­tion Related to Long-Term Car­bon­ate Con­sump­tion Under Vari­able Cli­mat­ic Con­di­tions

Ruiz, Fran­cisco
A Nov­el approach to hydro­geo­chem­ic­al risk assess­ment based on short-term tests

Ryb­nikova, Liud­m­ila S.; Ryb­nikov, Petr A.; Navolok­ina, Vera Yu.
Envir­on­ment­al implic­a­tions of the acid mine drain­age in the Middle Urals, Rus­sia

Ryb­nikova, Liud­m­ila S.; Ryb­nikov, Petr A.; Smirnov, Alex­an­der Yu.; Efre­mov, Evgen­iy Yu
Рost-clos­ure water man­age­ment of Chelyab­insk Coal Basin (Rus­sia)

San­tofimia, Esth­er; Rincón-Tomás, Blanca; González, Fran­cisco Javi­er; González-Tor­il, Elena; Aguilera, Ángeles
Crit­ic­al raw mater­i­als enrich­ment in waters of the Tinto River basin and its remov­al by schwert­man­nite and jaros­ite pre­cip­it­a­tion

San­tos, Suel­len Cistina da Silva Marques; Galvão, Neander­son; França, Silvia Cristina Alves
Influ­ence of resid­ual amine in iron ore tail­ings dewa­ter­ing

Sanz-Ramos, Mar­cos; Bladé, Ern­est
Iber as a flood now­cast­ing and fore­cast­ing soft­ware suite for mine man­agers

Sato, Vit­or; Raynor, Mark
Vari­ably sat­ur­ated flow numer­ic­al mod­el­ling and effects on slope sta­bil­ity ana­lys­is

Schoe­man, Yolan­di; Ober­hol­ster, Paul Johan
Can Eco­lo­gic­al Engin­eer­ing Redefine Wet­land Recov­ery in Min­ing?

Schubert, Mareike; Bind­er, Angela; Jiang, Yichen; Lange­feld, Oliv­er
Mod­u­lar Robot­ic Sys­tems and Autonom­ous Plat­forms for Mine Water Mon­it­or­ing

Schubert, Mareike; Lange­feld, Oliv­er
Respons­ible Mine Plan­ning: Cur­rent util­iz­a­tion and chal­lenges of mine water reuse

Seidel, Tor­sten; König, Chris­toph M.; Hahn, Flori­an; Mugova, Elke; Wolk­ersdor­fer, Chris­ti­an
Numer­ic­al mod­el­ling of sea­son­al heat stor­age influ­ence on strat­i­fic­a­tion in aban­doned mines

Semoto, Yuki; Hamai, Takaya; Masaki, Yusei; Ike­da, Man­ami; Oku­mura, Masao; Miyata, Naoy­uki; Yas­u­taka, Tet­suo; Katayama, Taiki
Per­form­ance of pilot-scale pass­ive treat­ment tests of a con­tact oxid­a­tion meth­od util­iz­ing man­ganese-oxid­iz­ing bac­teria for man­ganese-con­tain­ing mine water

Shabalala, Ayanda Nomaswazi; Ngomane, Mon­ica Pinky
The eval­u­ation of a pilot per­vi­ous con­crete treat­ment sys­tem for acid mine drain­age treat­ment

Shubin, Ivan
Mine ground­wa­ter man­age­ment in a chan­ging world: some examples of how cli­mate change is chan­ging the way is which ground­wa­ter must be man­aged on mine sites

Siefert, Eliza Liberty; Hoff­man, Dav­id Keys; Ziemkiewicz, Paul; DePriest, Nath­an Cory
Rare Earth Ele­ments and Acid Mine Drain­age: REE-cyc­ling

Silva, Rodrigo de Almeida; Fernandes, Élen Cristina Faustin; San­tos, Fabíula de Quad­ros dos; Ler­men, Richard Thomas
Indus­tri­al applic­a­tion of pyr­ite con­cen­trate: A sus­tain­able altern­at­ive for treat­ing gal­van­ic efflu­ents

Simone, Bailey; Yung­wirth, Grace
ESG and Mine Water Stew­ard­ship – A bench­mark­ing approach to tar­geted invest­ment and pro­ject decision mak­ing.

Sims, Nath­an; Dav­is, Andy
A Micro­cosm-Scale Labor­at­ory Approach to Eval­u­ate the Envir­on­ment­al Impacts of Sub­aqueous Depos­ition of Cemen­ted Paste Back­fill in an Open Pit, Nevada USA

Sjöberg, Vikt­or; Allard, Bert
Release of urani­um from a former iron mine, 30 years after flood­ing.

Smith, Ross Edward Wil­li­am; Fer­guson, Paul; Hart­nett, Jack­ie; Wilkins, Anna; Jones, Dav­id
Set­ting loc­ally rel­ev­ant Water Qual­ity Object­ives for the Rum Jungle Leg­acy Site, North­ern Ter­rit­ory (NT) Aus­tralia, and design­ing rehab­il­it­a­tion strategies to meet them

Smyth, Vic­tor­ia; Schultz, Ryan; Dent, Julia; Pearce, Steve; Ger­sten, Ben; Wil­li­ams, Tom; Barnes, Andrew
Nov­el Devel­op­ments in High-Shear Degass­ing Using Car­bon Diox­ide-Depleted Air to Pre­cip­it­ate Met­al Con­tam­in­ants: Sus­tain­able Act­ive Treat­ment Strategies for Cir­cum-neut­ral Mine Water

Stan­ley, Peter Clive
A Mine of Inform­a­tion

Suarez, Jose Ignacio; Schwarz, Alex
H₂-based mem­brane biofilm react­ors for sulfate remov­al from min­ing pro­cess water

Subot­skaya, Yuliya; Breck­en­ridge, Larry
Evapo­tran­spir­a­tion Cov­er Design Optim­iz­a­tion: A Case Study

Sui, Wanghua; Wu, Yonghui
Water Dis­aster Con­trol with Grout­ing in the Bed Sep­ar­a­tion in a Deep Coal Seam Min­ing

Sun, Yajun; Xu, Zhim­in; Zhang, Li; Chen, Ge; Zhao, Xian­ming
The “three-stages” and “three-zones” mod­els of coal mine water qual­ity form­a­tion and evol­u­tion

Taki, Mari­am; Flipo, Nic­olas; Goetz, Dami­en
Hydro­geo­lo­gic­al and hydro­lo­gic­al mod­el­ling of the impact of water resources on min­er­al resource pro­duc­tion

Teich­ert, Bar­bara M.A.; Jas­nowski-Peters, Hen­ning; Nikutta, Simon E.; Strauss, Har­ald; Schlömer, Stefan; West­er­mann, Sebasti­an
The leg­acy of hard coal min­ing revealed by iso­top­ic fin­ger­prints in mine waters, Ruhr area, Ger­many

Thomas­son, Mark J.; Mahay­asa, Made; Standridge, Larry; Ruddy, Brad; Schmelt­er, Steven C.
Util­iz­ing pore pres­sure sim­u­la­tions with an unstruc­tured mesh for clos­ure design optim­iz­a­tion of the Wan­agon Stock­pile at the Gras­berg Mine

Thompson, Craig; Thompson, Randi; Zawadzki, Willy
Is the water bal­ance for your waste rock pile reli­able? A nov­el frame­work for improv­ing assess­ment of water inputs and out­puts for a typ­ic­al stor­age facil­ity

Totsche, Oliv­er; Kun­ze, Katja; Bilek, Felix
Car­bon Foot­print­ing of Mine Water Treat­ment for Future CO₂ Emis­sion Reduc­tion

Town­ley, Lloyd Richard
Twenty-five years of exper­i­ence devel­op­ing mod­els to sup­port integ­rated water man­age­ment at mine sites

Town­ley, Lloyd Richard
Forty years of evol­u­tion of ground­wa­ter flow mod­el­ling at and near mine sites

Tresoldi, Greta; Hojat, Aza­deh; Bian­chi, Regina; Zan­zi, Luigi
Real-time geo­elec­tric­al mon­it­or­ing for water related pro­cess iden­ti­fic­a­tion in tail­ings stor­age facil­it­ies: case stud­ies

Tum, Sereyroith; Katayama, Taiki; Miyata, Naoy­uki; Hamai, Takaya; Semoto, Yuki; Yas­u­taka, Tet­suo
Eval­u­at­ing the Sus­tain­ab­il­ity of Pass­ive Treat­ment for Acid Mine Drain­age of a Leg­acy Mine via Life Cycle Assess­ment

van Heer­den, Estar­iëthe; Cawood, Mari­eta
Stim­u­la­tion of indi­gen­ous bac­teri­al com­munit­ies to effect­ively remedi­ate mine drain­ages

van Hille, Robert Paul; Du Preez, Kerri
Crit­ic­al eval­u­ation of the use of com­plex car­bon sources to sup­port bio­lo­gic­al sulfate reduc­tion for remedi­ation of min­ing influ­enced waters

Vanden­berg, Jerry; Smith, Daniel; Koppe, Bart
Envir­on­ment­al Fate and Beha­viour of Anion­ic Poly­ac­ryl­am­ides in Tail­ings Man­age­ment: A State of Know­ledge Syn­thes­is

Vas­el­li, Orlando; Mel­oni, Fed­er­ica; Nisi, Bar­bara; Cabassi, Jac­opo; Bian­chi, Francesco; Mon­tegrossi, Giord­ano; Rap­puoli, Daniele
Water Geo­chem­istry in the Former Hg-Min­ing Area of Abba­dia San Sal­vatore (Cent­ral Italy): a Review

Ver­burg, Rens; Oli­veira, Mafalda
Sur­face Dis­pos­al of High-Sulf­ide Paste Tail­ings at the Neves Corvo Mine, Por­tugal

Vicario, Marçal Manuel; Man­as­sa, Manuel Fidel Sonhi; Paiva, Enoque Makango; Car­los, Lukombo Eduardo Luzai­a­dio; Mor­ton, Kym Les­ley
Catoca Dia­mond Mine – imple­ment­a­tion of an advanced mon­it­or­ing net­work for a Tail­ings Stor­age Facil­ity (TSF)

Vila, Maria Cristina
How reusable is the bene­fi­ci­ation water? Key lim­it­a­tions and oppor­tun­it­ies

Villa Gomez, Denys; Edraki, Man­sour; Liu, Yun; Gil­lane, Rosie; Web­ster, Luke; Soto, Fernanda
Elec­tro­chem­ic­al and biobased solu­tions in mine waste to facil­it­ate the net zero-car­bon trans­ition

Villa, Jose Luis; Andrade, Fernanda; Álvarez, Ignacio; Brown, Mar­tin; Ses­mero, Cati
Meth­od­o­logy for Estim­at­ing Hydro­geo­lo­gic­al Risk for Open Pits

Wal­ter, Thomas Manuel
Sens­ible com­mu­nic­a­tion strategy in mine water related licens­ing pro­cesses

Wang, Xingjie; Liu, Ling; Ma, Liy­uan; Deng, Rui; Zhou, Jian­wei
Treat­ment of cop­per-con­tain­ing acid­ic mine drain­age by com­bined use of mul­tiple tech­no­lo­gies

Weber, Anne; Wil­helm, Susann; Kun­ze, Katja; Bilek, Felix; Kre­is­che-König, Elke
Mon­it­or­ing of Water Qual­ity in Post-Min­ing Pit Lakes – Why, How and How Long?

Weiler, Jés­sica; Schneider, Ivo André Hom­rich
If we had had a con­sist­ent sys­tem for using pyr­ite in coal min­ing in the state of Santa Catar­ina, Brazil, what would the scen­ario be?

Werle, Mari­ana; Costa, Eduardo; Bit­ten­court de Abreu, Car­o­lina; Albuquerque, Rafael; Lange, Lara; Silva Ramos, Maria Luiza; Pereira Teodoro, Maria Isa­bel; Cam­braia Trindade, Ana Car­oline; Guimarães, Lorena; Silva, Ruber­lan; Kwitko, Rogerio
Estim­a­tion of Drain­age Com­pos­i­tion Sourced from Lime-Iron Ore Tail­ings Mix­ture in Dry Stack Depos­it: Labor­at­ory Test­ing and Numer­ic­al Mod­el­ing

West­er­mann, Sebasti­an; Teich­ert, Bar­bara M.A.; Möller­herm, Stefan
Sys­tem and pro­cess under­stand­ing of mine gas release of closed hard coal mines in the con­text of EU meth­ane reg­u­la­tion

Wil­li­ams-Nan­yaa, God­fred
Adapt­ing Indi­gen­ous meth­ods of water puri­fic­a­tion to restore access to clean drink­ing water in min­ing com­munit­ies in Ghana

Wolfe, Neil Allan; Hed­in, Robert S.; Hed­in, Ben­jamin C.; Weaver, Olivia J.
Eval­u­at­ing the Effect­ive­ness of Vari­ous Aggreg­ate Clean­ing Meth­ods

Wolk­ersdor­fer, Chris­ti­an
Hydro­dynam­ic Invest­ig­a­tion of a Dens­ity-Strat­i­fied under­ground Mine: Tracer Test Chal­lenges and Find­ings in the Georgi Unter­bau Mine, Tyr­ol, Aus­tria

Wood­ing, Maz
A Nov­el Mod­el­ling Work­flow Applied to a Frac­ture Flow Assess­ment of an Extens­ively Quar­ried Lime­stone in South­west Eng­land

Worsa-Kozak, Mag­dalena
From deep min­er­al explor­a­tion to mine clos­ure: Why ground­wa­ter mat­ters

Xu, Chao; Wu, Tao; Gong, Ping­ping
Study on the influ­ence mech­an­ism of the “upper three zones” of coal seam roof on the overly­ing aquifer in the north­w­est coal min­ing area of China

Xu, Zhim­in; Yuan, Huiqing; Lu, Wein­ing; Han, Yuhang; Xiong, Shijie
Exper­i­ment­al Study on the Dam­age Mech­an­ism of Coal Pil­lars in Aban­doned Mines under Immer­sion Con­di­tions

Yi, Xiaoy­un; Jiang, Feng; Zhang, Lijuan; Dang, Zhi
An improved Acid Mine Drain­age treat­ment aimed at decreas­ing lime cost

Yi, Xiaoy­un; Wang, Yaozhong; Zhang, Lijuan; Dang, Zhi
Remov­ing tox­ic metals from acid mine drain­age by in situ ε‑MnO₂ form­ing

Yung­wirth, Grace; Booth, Thomas; Cam­mack, Jes­sica; Red­fern, Han­nah; Naz­aruk, Sofia; Singh, Givarn; Sweet­man, Ryan; Digges La Touche, Gareth; Smith, James; Bewick, Robert
Mine Water and Rock Engin­eer­ing – A Win­ning Part­ner­ship in Cave Min­ing

Zaniboni, Linda; Dino, Gio­vanna Ant­on­ella; Lasagna, Manuela; Horta Ribeiro Antunes, Isa­bel Mar­gar­ida; De Luca, Domen­ico Ant­o­nio
Post-min­ing water-soil inter­ac­tion in Au-mine area – a con­tri­bu­tion to envir­on­ment­al sys­tems man­age­ment: Pied­mont region (NW Italy) case stud­ies

Zhang, Jingkang; Wang, Xingjie; Ma, Liy­uan; Zhou, Jian­wei
Optim­ized and explain­able machine learn­ing reveals cru­cial factors on TFe, Mn, Al and Zn remov­al effi­ciency in acid mine drain­age treated by con­struc­ted wet­lands

Zhang, Li; Xu, Zhim­in; Sun, Yajun; Gao, Yat­ing; Chen, Ge; Zhu, Lulu
The mech­an­ism of hydro­chem­ic­al-micro­bi­al inter­ac­tion in the form­a­tion and evol­u­tion of coal mine water qual­ity

Zvimba, John Ngoni; Madis­eng, Lesego; Annandale, John; Pocock, Gina
Irrig­a­tion as a bene­fi­cial use of poor qual­ity min­ing-influ­enced water in South Africa