Cancellation Policy

Terms and Conditions

  • We do hope to wel­come you to the IMWA 2025 con­fer­ence. How­ever, should unfore­seen cir­cum­stances require a can­cel­la­tion of your regis­tra­tion, please note the regis­tra­tion terms below.
  • The regis­tra­tion of par­ti­cip­a­tion is bind­ing.
  • If you have to can­cel the regis­tra­tion, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event. In all oth­er cases, the fin­an­cial respons­ib­il­it­ies of the par­ti­cipants remain fully effect­ive, which means that the full regis­tra­tion fee will apply, irre­spect­ive of attend­ance status.
  • No refunds or cred­it will be giv­en in respect of non-attend­ance.
  • The par­ti­cip­a­tion fees are owed upon regis­tra­tion and are pay­able with­in 7 days fol­low­ing sub­mis­sion of the regis­tra­tion (but not later than 7 days before the start­ing day of the event).
  • Should you be unable to attend the con­fer­ence, you are wel­come to nom­in­ate a replace­ment attendee who will attend the con­fer­ence in your place provided full pay­ment has been received. The replace­ment attendees’ regis­tra­tion details need to reach the con­fer­ence sec­ret­ari­at at least 1 week pri­or to the con­fer­ence. Replace­ment attendees will be pro­cessed at no addi­tion­al charge provided they are regis­ter­ing in the same mem­ber­/no-mem­ber regis­tra­tion cat­egory. Please noti­fy the Con­fer­ence Sec­ret­ari­at of any regis­tra­tion replace­ments via email.
  • Par­ti­cip­a­tion is not guar­an­teed until full pay­ment of the regis­tra­tion fee is received.
  • The con­fer­ence pro­gram may be sub­ject to changes.
  • Pay­ments will be refun­ded if the con­fer­ence is can­celled by the organ­iser. In that case, the organ­iser will have no fur­ther liab­il­ity to the cli­ent. Regis­tra­tions remain val­id if the con­fer­ence has to be post­poned.
  • Papers will only be pub­lished in the pro­ceed­ings volume when pay­ment has been received in full.