Conference Topics

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For explan­a­tions of the top­ics, please vis­it the link.or click the top­ic title.

  1. Acid Mine Drain­age – Pre­ven­tion, Mon­it­or­ing and Con­trol
  2. Emer­ging Tech­no­lo­gies – Sensors, UAV, Machine Learn­ing and the like
  3. Eco­logy and Micro­bi­o­logy of Min­ing-influ­enced Water
  4. Hydro­logy, Hydro­geo­logy and Mine Geo­chem­istry
  5. Mine water and water resources man­age­ment
  6. Mine Drain­age of Aban­doned Mines
  7. Mine Clos­ure and Asso­ci­ated Leg­acy Issues
  8. Mine Water and Cli­mate Dynam­cis
  9. Act­ive Mine Water Treat­ment
  10. Pass­ive Mine Water Treat­ment – Nature based solu­tions
  11. Tail­ings and Tail­ings Ponds
  12. Organ­ic pol­lut­ants in Mine Water
  13. Pro­cess Water from raw mater­i­al bene­fi­ci­ation
  14. Water-Energy Nex­us in Min­ing Oper­a­tions
  15. Bene­fi­cial Uses of Min­ing-influ­enced Water
  16. Geo­therm­al Energy and Mine Water
  17. Cir­cu­lar Eco­nomy and Resi­li­ence in Min­ing-influ­enced Water
  18. Mine Her­it­age and his­tor­ic­al water Issues
  19. Com­mu­nic­a­tion about Min­ing and Mine Water – Stake­hold­ers and Pub­lic
  20. Policy Frame­works and Reg­u­lat­ory Approaches
  21. Case Stud­ies
  22. Les­sons learned – What went wrong?