PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-quality modeling workshop

Charles Cravotta

Cost-effect­ive treat­ment of AMD may be iden­ti­fied using the PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-qual­ity mod­el­ing tools (Cra­votta, 2020, 2021, 2022) coupled with AMDTreat 6.0 cost ana­lys­is soft­ware (AMDTreat 6.0 Beta, 2022). The tar­get audi­ence is engin­eers, sci­ent­ists, stu­dents, reg­u­lat­ory author­it­ies, and oth­er prac­ti­tion­ers involved or inter­ested in pass­ive or act­ive tech­no­lo­gies used for mine water treat­ment. The work­shop will be giv­en by Charles Cra­votta with pos­sible assist­ance by per­son­nel from the U.S. Office of Sur­face Min­ing Reg­u­la­tion and Enforce­ment (OSMRE), if per­mit­ted to travel, plus one or two gradu­ate stu­dents of the host­ing uni­ver­sit­ies (Joana Araújo, Ana Bar­roso). Par­ti­cipants will learn to use the soft­ware to eval­u­ate pos­sible treat­ment strategies for par­tic­u­lar water qual­ity con­di­tions, treat­ment effects on efflu­ent chem­istry and sludge pro­duc­tion, and cor­res­pond­ing costs for con­struc­tion and main­ten­ance. All the rel­ev­ant soft­ware, which runs on Win­dows com­puters, is free of charge. Instruc­tions for soft­ware down­load and install­a­tion will be provided to regis­trants before the con­fer­ence.

  • AMDTreat 6.0 Beta (2022)
  • Cra­votta, C.A. III (2020) Inter­act­ive PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-qual­ity mod­el­ing tools to eval­u­ate per­form­ance and design of treat­ment sys­tems for acid mine drain­age (soft­ware down­load): U.S. Geo­lo­gic­al Sur­vey Soft­ware Release (
  • Cra­votta, C.A. III (2021) Inter­act­ive PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat water-qual­ity mod­el­ing tools to eval­u­ate per­form­ance and design of treat­ment sys­tems for acid mine drain­age: Applied Geo­chem­istry, v 126, 10845 (
  • Cra­votta, C.A. III (2022) Inter­act­ive PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat+REYs water-qual­ity mod­el­ing tools to eval­u­ate poten­tial atten­u­ation of rare-earth ele­ments and asso­ci­ated dis­solved con­stitu­ents by aqueous-sol­id equi­lib­ri­um pro­cesses (soft­ware down­load): U.S. Geo­lo­gic­al Sur­vey Soft­ware Release (