Good Bye!

2025 International Mine Water Association Conference

Our con­fer­ence is over, and we had five great days with the IMWA fam­ily. Thank you very much for attend­ing this year’s IMWA con­fer­ence in Por­tugal and Spain. We hope to see you next year at the IMWA 2026 Con­fer­ence in South Korea.

IMWA 2025 Proceedings

Jeff Skousen

“I loved this con­fer­ence where col­leagues from around the world could show their achieve­ments in terms of min­ing influ­enced water.”

Jeff Skousen
Con­fer­ence Chair

Bob Kleinmann

“As Edit­or-in-Chief of Mine Water and the Envir­on­ment, I hope to receive a large num­ber of exten­ded papers from this Con­gress.”

Bob Klein­mann
Con­fer­ence Co-Chair

Christian Wolkersdorfer

“I am pleased that the West Vir­gin­ia Mine Drain­age Task Force and the Inter­na­tion­al Mine Water Asso­ci­ation organ­ized this con­gress togeth­er.”

Chris­ti­an Wolk­ersdor­fer
IMWA Pres­id­ent