Pre Conference Field Trip

July 4 to 6, 2025

Almudena Ordoñez

cost: 600 €

Oviedo/Uviéu → San­ti­ago de Com­postela → Braga

The pre-con­fer­ence field trip will provide an early oppor­tun­ity for attendees to explore mine water sites and gain an under­stand­ing of the his­tor­ic­al and con­tem­por­ary prac­tices in the region. This trip is ideal for those who wish to begin their con­fer­ence exper­i­ence with a sol­id ground­ing in the loc­al con­text of mine water issues. Par­ti­cipants will vis­it sites that show­case innov­at­ive water man­age­ment strategies and remedi­ation tech­niques. Fur­ther­more, the field trip will include cul­tur­al high­lights such as a tour of San­ti­ago de Com­postela, a city renowned for its his­tor­ic cathed­ral and status as a pil­grim­age des­tin­a­tion.

Friday, 4th July

Depar­ture from a meet­ing point in Oviedo (Asturi­as, to be announced) – Vis­it to mine water geo­therm­al install­a­tions (Mieres) – Lunch – Vis­it to the Min­ing museum (El Entrego) – Walk through the city of Oviedo – Din­ner. Accom­mod­a­tion in Oviedo is not included (see recom­mend­a­tions below).

Saturday, 5th July

Depar­ture from the meet­ing point (Oviedo) – Vis­it to the Roman gold mine of Las Médu­las (León) – Lunch – Vis­it to the As Pontes pit lake (Galicia) – Din­ner and accom­mod­a­tion in San­ti­ago de Com­postela (Galicia) are included (Hotel Com­postela;

Sunday, 6th July

Walk through the city of San­ti­ago de Com­postela – Vis­it to the old Touro cop­per mine, which is about to reopen (Galicia) – Arrival in Braga (Por­tugal) [1 hour behind]. Lunch and accom­mod­a­tion in Braga are not included.

Special Rates for some Oviedo Hotels

please indic­ate that you are attend­ing the IMWA2025 con­gress, prices may be sub­ject to change

Gran Hotel España****

  • Double room for single use with buf­fet break­fast: 95 €/night (VAT included)
  • Double room with buf­fet break­fast: 107 €/night (VAT included)

AC Hotel Oviedo For­um****

  • Double room for single use with buf­fet break­fast: 99 €/night (VAT included)
  • Double room with buf­fet break­fast: 109.50 €/night (VAT included)

EXE Hotels

A pro­mo­tion­al code con­sist­ing of a 12% dis­count can be applied to the fol­low­ing hotels. The dis­count code is only val­id for book­ings made through the web­site. Code name: IMWA2025, val­id until 2025-06-03 and applic­able for book­ings made between 3–5 July 2025.

Regis­tra­tion fee includes lunch and din­ner (except Sunday lunch), excur­sion fees, trans­port­a­tion and accom­mod­a­tion in the hotel from the 5th to 6th but not the night from 4th to 5th (in Oviedo).