Universidade do Minho – Campus de Gualtar

The Uni­ver­sity of Minho, in North­ern Por­tugal, plays a cent­ral role in the region as an import­ant nation­al ref­er­ence and an insti­tu­tion recog­nized in the European pan­or­ama and world­wide. Since its found­a­tion, the Uni­ver­sity has been spread over two cit­ies, namely Braga and Guimarães. It should be noted that Braga is the third largest Por­tuguese city, born of the ancient Roman city of Bra­cara Augusta and that Guimarães was clas­si­fied Cul­tur­al Her­it­age by UNESCO, and is also known to be the cradle of the nation. The uni­versity’s infra­struc­ture and facil­it­ies are quite diverse. It has sev­er­al emblem­at­ic build­ings, rel­ev­ant to the his­tory of the city of Braga and loc­ated in the urb­an centre, as it is the case of the Largo do Paço build­ing (former Archiepis­copal Palace), the Con­gregados build­ing and Nogueira da Silva Museum. In the three Campi – Gual­tar Cam­pus, in Braga, Azurém and Cour­os Campi, in Guimarães –, the Uni­ver­sity stands out for hav­ing ref­er­ence mod­ern infra­struc­tures and for being open to the com­munity and to the world as a mul­ti­cul­tur­al and mul­ti­lin­gual space.